Samvera Tech Call 2017-09-20
Samvera Tech Call 2017-09-20
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025
Moderator: justin
Notetaker: Esmé Cowles
- Michael Joseph Giarlo (Stanford University)
- Collin Brittle (Emory)
- Jim Coble (Duke)
- justin (Stanford)
- pbinkley (Alberta)
- Esmé Cowles (Princeton)
- Trey Pendragon (Princeton)
- Andrew Myers (WGBH)
- justin (Stanford)
- Lynette Rayle (Cornell)
- Steven Ng (Temple)
- cam156 (PSU)
- Chris Colvard (Deactivated) (Indiana)
- Julie Allinson (London)
- Jacob Rain
- Ayse Durmaz (old) (Duke)
- Michael B. Klein (Northwestern)
Roll call by timezone per following order - ensure notetaker is present (moderator)
folks outside North and South America
Eastern timezone
Central timezone
Mountain timezone
Pacific timezone
folks who were missed or who dialed in during roll call
- Welcome all newcomers!
- Agenda (moderator)
- Call for new agenda items (moderator)
- Teaser trailer: Hyrax and Valkyrie (Michael Joseph Giarlo)
- New Slack channel for Hyrax release testing (Michael Joseph Giarlo)
- Polling-free Hyrax notifications, yay! (Michael Joseph Giarlo)
- ActionCable, Apache, and Passenger don't get along, boo!
- Michael Joseph Giarlo is adding a config option for this feature. Should the default value be ON or OFF?
- If ON, folks running the above combination may deploy a broken instance until they note this change and tweak the Hyrax initializer before their next deployment.
- If OFF, it's a change in behavior from past Hyrax and Sufia applications, though page reloads will update the notifications list – it just won't happen between page loads. (Notifications will not be realtime, that is.)
- Third option: have default value be ON, but work on a fallback mechanism for notifications (restore polling stuff, and use it only if AC notifications are disabled)
- I don't like this option one bit. It's going to be a bunch of work, and it will add more complexity to the codebase.
- After call, this week's notetaker should create the agenda for the next call.
- Notetaker and moderator for next time
- Notes: Julie Allinson
- Moderator: Michael Joseph Giarlo
- Teaser Trailer for Hyrax and Valkyrie (Giarlo)
- Working on timeline and goals so this can happen this year
- Details to be announced in a week or two, will report back when I know more
- New Slack channel for release testing of Hyrax (Giarlo)
- We've talked about this before
- Have deployed a vanilla Hyrax on AWS (called Nurax) with continuous deployment
- Thanks to aliciac and DCE for hosting this
- New channel #nurax — all are welcome to join and discuss
- Polling-free notifications in Hyrax (Giarlo)
- Have replaced polling with ActionCable (yay Rails 5!)
- But there's a bug with using Apache/Passenger
- Adding config option to disable realtime notifications
- Should this be on or off by default?
- On: if you hit the Apache/Passenger bug, your app will freeze
- Off: change from past Sufia/Hyrax versions, realtime notifications won't work unless enabled, the notification number will be updated on page refreshes only
- Third option: On, but fallback to polling (not a great option, will add complexity)
- Can we catch and log the error? That would be great, and would make it fine to have it be on
- Or maybe check the server environment and disable if Apache+Passenger?
- If we can't, falling back on polling seems undesirable
- The bug may not be fixed (Passenger folks want you to use Nginx instead)
- Don't want Hyrax to prefer Nginx
- Further testing and debugging would be helpful
, multiple selections available,