Connect 2 Planning matrix (old)

Connect 2 Planning matrix (old)


Draft Conference Themes

  • Overriding Themes
    • Create new connections with prospective adopters
    • Immerse new and prospective adopters into the Hydra way
    • Deepen connections and spawn new collaborations
  • Focused Sub-Themes
    • Explore How the Community Works (Development Practices, Projects, Collaboration, Organizing)
    • Updates from the Hydra Community and other synergetic communities (e.g. Duraspace, APTrust) 
    • Explore Emerging Solutions/Technology
    • Showcase community solutions and success stories in Hydra

Timings are essentially arbitrary at this stage!  Timings originated from last year's meeting but can be changed if warranted.

Monday morning     
Monday afternoon     
Monday eveningSign up dinners

Tuesday 8.00 - 9.00


Coffee and pastries
Tues 9.00 - 10.30

(Check with Mark on schedule for NPA)

Dive into Hydra (Intro to Rails as Prereq?)


Detailed demos/case studies of production systems (At least 3 different examples)

Detailed demos/case studies of production systems (At least 3 different examples)

(Indicate expected audience)

Test-Driven DevelopmentHydra for Devops 
Tues 11.00 - 12.30

Dive into Hydra


Hydra for Managers

Hydra for (new) managers / How to manage agile developmentGeodata  
Tues 1.45 - 3.15Intro to Blacklight Hydra UX

How to manage a hydra project /

Common approaches to service management for an implemented Hydra head

RDFFedora 4 / Hydra test drive, and roadmap planning (2 hours) 
Tues 3.45 - 5.15Intro to Blacklight Hydra UX / How to manage agile development :: How to manage a hydra project

How to manage agile development / Migration of a hydra head -

what to expect, what to look out for

Hydra Labs  
Tues EveningBeer bus
Wednesday 8.00 - 9.00Registration
Coffee and pastries

Opening plenary

Wed 9.00-10.30

(Adding and will sort later)

Welcome Remarks (10 min)

20 minute Slots

Slot 1: Other Keynote

Slot 1: Group Introductions (only new people?) or Similar activity (30 min)

Slot 2: State of the HydraSphere (20 min)

Slot 3: The Hydra Way: Development Frameworks or Solution Bundles? A look at the Evolving Expectations of our Solutions, Adopters, and Wider Community (Addressing Dev'ing in Echo Chamber Rant Discussion) (20 min)

Mix in below: Hydramata, Avalon, Curate, Sufia, Worthwhile

20 minute slots

Slot 1: Group Introductions or Similar activity (30 min)

Slot 2: State of the HydraSphere (20 min)

Slot 3: The Hydra Way: Development Frameworks or Solution Bundles?(20 min)

Not yet slotted and of interest to 'All': 

How do we migrate to Fedora 4; Avalon update; Sufia update; Moving Curate to Hydramata; HAWG update; Worthwhile, APTrust and Hydra, Spotlight.

Wed 11.00 - 12.30Lightning Talks (Need to include project updates): Spotlight, Avalon Update, Hydramata Update, Oregon Digital: Moving from CONTENTdm to Hydra, APTrust and Hydra, "What is Fedora? and why is Fedora 4 a good option for my needs? (why should i migrate?)", Hydra and Fedora 4 UpdateLightning Talks.  Additional topic of interest to MGR: "Strategic hiring and position development for Hydra shops in libraries. What kinds of roles are emerging or being re-cast/re-thought as the result of expanded, deepening commitment to a Hydra infrastructure at academic libraries?"Lighting Talk: active triples in action  
Wed 1.45 - 3.00

Minute madness about Posters

Poster Session (invite project updates?)


Wed 3.00 - 4.15Poster Session  (continued) 
Wed 4.15 - 5.15Voting on Unconference Topics (in some tool and/or doodle poll?), Lightning round overview of them (Free Beer Please for Developers)  
Wed EveningConference dinner
Thursday 9.00 - 10.40

Thursday Plenary (Theme: community and how it works)

Some panels may need more than 20 minutes...

Slot 1: The Hydra Way: How We Expect/Want to Depend on and Work with Each Other

Slot 2: One Year with Hydra: what we know now; what we wish we knew earlier

Slot 3: Running Hydra in a small (1-dev) shop

Slot 4: Lessons Learned: Multiple to Single to Multiple Institution Development (Hydramata)

Slot 5: Empowering the Community Through a Framework for Interest Groups and Working Groups

Thursday Plenary (Theme: community and how it works)

Slot 1: The Hydra Way: How We Expect/Want to Depend on and Work with Each Other

Slot 2: One Year with Hydra: what we know now; what we wish we knew earlier

Slot 3: Running Hydra in a small (1-dev) shop

Slot 4: Lessons Learned: Multiple to Single to Multiple Institution Development (Hydramata)

Slot 5: Empowering the Community Through a Framework for Interest Groups and Working Groups

Thurs 11.00 - 12.30

Other Lightning Talks

Lightning Talk slots: Updates from Working Groups and Interest Groups

Other Lightning Talks

Lightning Talks: Updates from Working Groups and Interest Groups

 Unconference Topics    
Thurs 1.45 - 4.45
  • Mediated deposit approaches/workflows - where do you start, and what are the critical paths for building this arm of a Hydra-based service, especially if one already has the self-deposit component well in place?


 Code Retreat for Hydra (depending on unconference topic composition?)  
Thurs 4.45 - 5.15

Conference wrap up

(Insert What is Next for Hydra (Goals for next year) / wrap up of strategic themes (Tom Cramer and/or Steering committee give impressions of the conference here?))

Thurs Evening 

Friday 9.00 - 10.30


Fri 10.45 - 12.30     
Fri 1.45 - 3.15     
Fri 3.45 - 5.15     
Fri Evening 

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