2025-02-13 Partner Call

2025-02-13 Partner Call

Samvera Partners Call

Thursday, February 13th, 2025

12:00 pm  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr

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Passcode: 978808

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Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community calls to be fun, informative, engaging events for all our partners and participants.

  1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

  2. Please review the Code of Conduct and Anti-Harassment Policy.


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers

Facilitator: @Heather Greer Klein

Note Taker:


  • @Robin Lindley Ruggaber

  • @John Weise

  • Dona from Library Host

  • @Alberto Martinez

  • @Nicholas Mark Homenda

  • @Rob Kaufman

  • @Kirsten Leonard

  • @Glen Horton

  • @Rob Kaufman (Rob Kaufman)

  • @Jill Morris

  • @Paul Walk

  • @Chris Awre

  • @Nick Steinwachs

  • @Margaret Mellinger

  • @Karen Cariani

  • @Christine Peterson

  • @Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her)

  • @Emily Lynema

  • @dmoles

Action Items

  • Respond to Research Data Survey content input (item 6)

  • Respond to Developer Training RFI (item 5)

  • RSVP to Spring Partner meeting

Agenda & Notes

  1. New attendee intros

    1. Nick Steinwachs (Notch8)

    2. David Moles (UC Santa Barbara)

    3. Dona (LibraryHost)

  2. Hyrax Development update (Nick Homenda - Tufts - new Hyrax PO)

    1. Finished Hyrax maintenance sprint in Jan

      1. next maintenance sprint Mid Feb

    2. Goal: Release candidate for upgrade Ruby + Rails version (Hyrax v5.1)

      1. Currently in QA / Testing, and fixing bugs

    3. Looking at 1 more sprint before release

    4. Joining forces with Hyku group

  3. Hyku Sustainability Grant update (Kirsten, Jill - PALs, Rob Kaufman)

    1. Introducing Nic Don - PO for Hyku

    2. Will be announcing (soon) a funded community developer role!

    3. Rob: Likely two releases in the next week or two (by end of Feb)

      1. 6.1:

      2. 6.2: Flexible Metadata

      3. Then bring in latest Hyrax w/ upgraded Ruby/Rails

  4. Tracking Samvera technology adoption/implementations - presentation and discussion

    1. What we know about implementations; how other communities collect/share this data (Heather)

      1. Dataverse

      2. DSpace

      3. Fedora

      4. Invenio

    2. Discussion: how best to share this information; other steps for collecting it

    3. Main list of implementations (in production and development) - please add

      1. We’d like to present the implementations in some manner, much like the communities above

        1. Internal facing

          1. Finding / looking at peer institutions, how they’ve done things, getting help, and other parts they’re using

        2. External facing

          1. Attracting others to our community

          2. Fostering greater adoption

    4. Paul Walk

      1. COAR IRD

        1. ind.antleaf.com

      2. Full international repositories directory, with metadata for each repository, but it needs work!

      3. Wants to delegate responsibility for managing the directory to COAR members

      4. Currently ~7k repository records, with many defunct, bringing the total to ~5,800

      5. DEMO

        1. Faceted search

          Screenshot from demo
      6. Really centralizes metadata for all kinds of repositories

      7. Presenting at Open Repositories Conference in Chicago this year

      8. Rob K - would be great to push Hyrax / Hyku “Telemetry” - tell a centralized tracking service, “Hello, I’m here!” + some metadata (version, instance details, configuration, number of records, etc)

        1. Lots of precedent in other open-source communities

        2. Can turn it “on” or “off”

        3. David Moles: “would you want to turn it off for lower environments?”

          1. Rob: “Probably want to keep it on for lower environments, so we can reach out and say, ‘hello’, and they become active contributors, and reduce the imposter syndrome.”

          2. David: “One thing is that theres a COI with consulting businesses, we don’t want this to be abused by contractors.”

          3. Robin Ruggaber: “This has come up before, with a lot of pushback. Feels like surveillance. It’s important to get the community buy-in.”

          4. Rob: “It’s definitely important to get it to be opt-in.”

      9. Heather: at the very least, Paul’s project can include the implementations we know about

        1. Would also like to know more data around who is using things like serverless-IIIF

  5. Developer training Request for Information draft

    1. Money has been set aside for training, in exchange for cohorts working to maintain

    2. Looking for input from institutions, service providers, contractors

    3. Would like some outputs to discuss during in-person partner meeting at Northwestern (March)

    4. Rob: In-person is optimal, virtual if nothing else.

  6. Research data survey

    1. Survey we used last time - suggestions for additions/changes?

      1. Want to collect information on features that would further support this use case

      2. Anything else folks want to know, not included in the survey, within the next week

  7. Spring 2025 Partner meeting agenda planning - please RSVP, if you haven’t already, through March 7th

    1. RSVP so far - Link?

    2. Looking for a volunteer online facilitator to support virtual attendees

      1. Virtual attendee facilitator for afternoon session: @Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her)

    3. Draft agenda @Heather Greer Klein Link?

  8. Other Updates: 

    1. Sign up to present or facilitate a topic (5 - 30 minutes) at a 2025 Partner call - see list of ideas on the page

    2. Still looking for a Hyrax Tech Lead for 2026

    3. Samvera Virtual Connect 2025 - May (likely early May)

    4. Samvera Connect 2025 Mexico City

      1. Keynote speakers?

    5. Invoicing confirmations to Partners

Anything for the Samvera Board? (Standing item) 

Date of next call: Spring Partner hybrid meeting, March 19-20

Notetaker: Nick Steinwachs



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