2022-04-20 Developer Onboarding Working Group Agenda and notes

2022-04-20 Developer Onboarding Working Group Agenda and notes


Apr 20, 2022


  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Kait Sewell

  • @Kiah Stroud

  • @Bess Sadler

  • @Juliet Hardesty


 Discussion topics





existing developer onboarding resources, across any technologies, to this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b6DDiikSwo_kOUbU_3htLVc_gsp3PPFvzMzu2QIdUJk/edit?usp=sharing

@Kiah Stroud and @Kait Sewell will start a document to move us forward at the next meeting, based on our discussions today. Will share in the Slack and discuss at our next meeting. What should be templatized, weeded, etc? Where should we start?


Something discussed was making sure there is approachable documentation for someone who wants to try something out locally. We want to make sure we can also direct to Hyku service providers and making sure we catch good spots for directing folks to service providers if they find they can’t deploy or the system is too complex.

Want to generate some templates from our work that others can use for other repos, potentially get others involved or interested in refreshing their documentation.

Ruby gem pages come into play when there is a release. Not sure how they fit in for this – this isn’t something you see when you are onboarding! Any interaction with these would be to help redirect new folks who stumble on it.



Next steps for documentation review/update


Next steps for pattern and practice guidance


Other items


 Action items

Add to and/or note changes on the roadmap
Start the spreadsheet analysis process – feel free to discuss in Slack!
