2022-12-14 Developer Onboarding Working Group Agenda and notes


Dec 14, 2022


  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Kait Sewell

  • @Kiah Stroud

  • @Juliet Hardesty

  • @tamsin johnson (regrets)


 Discussion topics





Review and discuss

Review Hyrax README rough draft.

Review Slack badge fix in Hyrax README: https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/pull/5931

Next steps for pattern and practice guidance

  • Plan

    • Update Hyrax README before January Dev Congress

    • Socialize at Dev Congress, invite feedback

    • After Dev Congress, clean up Github wiki pages that are no longer useful from Running Hyrax documentation list

Related documents



Other items

  • Samvera logo image file currently broken on README

    • Found a related issue with a fix suggestion:

      • The updated link suggested in this ticket will be changed in the near future, so it shouldn’t be used

 Action items

Move current README info to the Hyrax Management Guide (under Analytics and usage statistics) - @Kiah Stroud
Fix Samvera logo in Hyrax README
Upload Samvera logo in Slack - @Heather Greer Klein
Submit PR fixing logo - @Kait Sewell
