2024-06-21 Developer Onboarding Working Group Agenda and notes


Jun 21, 2024


  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Kiah Stroud

  • @Juliet Hardesty


Discuss next steps for moving the knowledge base to Confluence

 Discussion topics





Review and discuss

  • Have all the old pages been brought over?

    • Yes

  • Review and discuss community feedback

    • This was the direction that the dev congress started going in, but not all the items listed have been completed

  • Transitioning from a WG to an IG

    • Need to draft a Charter doc and announce to the community to get members involved

      • The timing for the announcement will coincide with turning off the old kb site to generate interest

    • Brainstormed responsibilities of the interest group

      1. Identify Confluence docs that are missing/outdated and update them

      2. Identify development docs (e.g. GitHub Wikis) that are missing/outdated and create a card on a GitHub board for a developer to address

Next steps for pattern and practice guidance

  • Draft a Charter doc for the new IG

Related documents

Developer Onboarding WG Roadmap

Samvera developer onboarding documentation list

"Running Hyrax" Documentation, Next Steps

Samvera Knowledge Base Breakdown

Samvera Development Knowledge Base

Other items

 Action items

Draft Charter doc for new IG - @Heather Greer Klein
Continue updating links to the old kb to point to the new one - @Heather Greer Klein
Figure out how to “turn off” old kb - @Juliet Hardesty
Figure out how to populate an index page based on Confluence labels - @Kiah Stroud
