2023-03-08 Developer Onboarding Working Group Agenda and notes


Mar 8, 2023


  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Kait Sewell

  • @Kiah Stroud (regrets)

  • @Juliet Hardesty


Phase 3 planning

 Discussion topics





Review and discuss

Next steps for pattern and practice guidance

  • Determine the best way to move forward given the discovery we’ve done so far

    • still waiting on Tech Call discussion

Related documents


Other items


 Action items

Reach out to interest groups about kb
Hyku (Feb 23rd) - @Kiah Stroud
Hyrax (March 8th) - @Juliet Hardesty
Component Maintenance (Slack mesage) - @Heather Greer Klein
Tech Call (April something) - @Heather Greer Klein
Pre-audit of kb to take inventory of what’s there in order to break it up - @Kait Sewell
Message in #dev slack channel about kb - @Kiah Stroud
Direct people to slack thread in tech call - @Heather Greer Klein or @Juliet Hardesty


  1. Will move to monthly meeting cadence