2021-04-16 Meeting notes

2021-04-16 Meeting notes


Apr 16, 2021




  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Lynette Rayle

  • @Juliet Hardesty

  • @Jeremy Friesen

  • @Maria Whitaker

  • Maxence sends regrets


  • Notetaker?

  • Review progress on action items from last meeting:

  • Maria noted the lack of scheduled Hyrax trainings (previously provided by DCE). Reliably scheduled, predictable training is another community need.

  • What other information do we need to be ready to discuss the group goals/objectives, scope, and timeline?

  • Thoughts on how to move this to a decision-maker level when we have outlined the needs

  • Next steps and action items

  • Schedule next meeting


Reviewed https://docs.google.com/document/d/16q35KCOH5JOIu_FMxUMgJXz-q9ujy5tjxboJefVx62Y/edit#heading=h.7ftptft88anw and added a few additional items. This is a scaffolding for a plan. Goal is to solicit feedback for 2 weeks (after Samvera Virtual Connect), then begin establishing some plans to address these points.

The intention of this WG is to get things well defined “in the trenches” and then with documentation bring this to the Samvera board to solicit high-level sponsorship in addressing these problems. For some of the problems this WG might make process changes to address, but others require high-level involvement.

A next step is to review the Challenges and identify where these challenges should get solved. Many of us “in the trenches” will have some ideas on how this can be solved, and what

This Challenges document will feed into the emerging job descriptions for Technical Coordinator and Tech Lead; In July we’ll know about the IMLS grant, and then September the project would start receiving funds.

Action items

@Heather Greer Klein and @Lynette Rayle will move the https://docs.google.com/document/d/16q35KCOH5JOIu_FMxUMgJXz-q9ujy5tjxboJefVx62Y/edit#heading=h.7ftptft88anw; Will enable comments (e.g. no direct edits).
@Heather Greer Klein will share the document: to the dev email list, Slack channel, and in the Samvera VC report out.
Reminder: for the Dev Congress add a retrospective component that feeds into the above document.
@Heather Greer Klein will schedule next meeting for the week after Dev Congress, with a goal of having information in hand.


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