Spring 2021 Partner Meeting
Monday 12th April, online 11:00am - 2:00pm EDT
Connection information:
Collaborative notes document (for now notes are at the bottom of this document; Google Suite was being difficult)
@Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern)
@Rosalyn Metz (Emory)
@Alicia Morris (Tufts)
@Rob Kaufman (Notch8)
@Kevin Kochanski (Notch8)
@Brian McBride (University of Utah)
@Stuart Kenny (Digital Repository of Ireland)
@Karen Cariani (WGBH)
@Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
@Esmé Cowles (Princeton)
@Chris Awre (Hull)
@John Weise (University of Michigan)
@Nabeela Jaffer (University of Michigan)
@Jim Halliday (Indiana University)
@Benjamin Armintor (Columbia University)
@Maria Whitaker (Indiana University)
@Robin Lindley Ruggaber (University of Virginia)
@Hannah Frost (Stanford)
@Jon Dunn (Indiana University)
@Adam J. Arling (Northwestern)
@Nora Zimmerman (Lafayette College)
@Harriett Green (Washington University in St. Louis)
@jen young (Northwestern)
@Glen Horton (University of Cincinnati)
@Simeon Warner (Cornell)
@Brian Hole (Ubiquity)
@Abigail Bordeaux (Washington University in St. Louis)
@Tim Marconi (UC San Diego)
@Hilt, Jessica (Deactivated) (UC San Diego)
@Charlotte Nunes
@Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her) (UC Santa Barbara)
@tamsin johnson (UC Santa Barbara)
Monday 12th April | ||
11:00 am EDT | Housekeeping; Fiscal Sponsor change process and next steps | Heather Greer Klein |
11:10 | OASIS presentation | Carol Geyer, Chief Development Officer, OASIS Open |
11:30 | Samvera Virtual Connect update | David Schober |
11:35 | May Developer Congress update | Organizing Committee |
11:40 | Updates from Steering | Rosalyn Metz |
11:50 | Hyrax Interest Group and Maintenance Working Group updates | Julie Hardesty |
12:00 pm | Demo: “Meadow” cloud based digital collections and asset management repository | David Schober & Michael Klein, Northwestern University |
12:30 | Break | |
12:45 | Marketing Working Group presentations/discussion questions
| Heather Greer Klein, Chris Awre, Nabeela Jaffer, Alicia Morris, Charlotte Nunes |
1:15 | Ongoing and submitted grant updates | Rosalyn Metz/Jon Dunn, Gretchen Gueguen |
1:30 | UX Interest Group - Design Principles | Carla Arton, Adam Arling |
1:40 | Hyrax-Valkyrie Development update | tamsin johnson |
1:50 | Roadmaps Alignment Group update | Jen Young |
1:55 | Parking lot and wrap-up | Heather Greer Klein |
Meeting Notes
Housekeeping and Fiscal Sponsor Changes
working through next steps for the fiscal sponsor changes.
Invoices going out week of April 19. Partners may request a different timeline.
OASIS (https://www.oasis-open.org/) Presentation
Overview. Provides governance structure for members. Mindful of creating legal safeharbour for standards/tech. Involved in open standards and open source.
International organization, connections to international standards bodies (e.g SAML, ODF, etc)
Samvera will maintain independence like these organizations do.
Technical Committees or Open Projects - much of their work has been happening in this area.
Works with ANSI to bring in experts to work on standards. ISO Standards currently working on – Privacy Standards, Sharing Economy
Foundation-as-a-Service. OASIS provides the back end (legal, bills, taxes, and other administrative functions) that allows independent groups to manage their organization
Other “groups” using the Foundation-as-a-Service: Open Mobility foundation (https://www.openmobilityfoundation.org/)
Transfer assets to 501(c)(6) under OASIS nonprofit umbrella.
Samvera continues to have its own governance structure and rules for operating as a community.
Many supplemental services available (for fee) in addition to core services.
We’re in the set up your organization part of the process. Next step is launch (approximate summer timeline).
Who else uses the FaaS program - Open Mobility foundation (https://www.openmobilityfoundation.org/). Most folks they spoke to about this end up becoming an open project because they want to become a standard.
Do agreements need to be updated? - no but we may look at changing them moving forward for new folks who sign.
Samvera Virtual Connect Update
next week 4/20-4/21, 11-2 EST, 70 participants registered, 20 presentations
please register
May 3rd - 6th; a week between it and virtual connect
virtual event, 4 days.
good number of topics. folks who would like to write code or documentation are needed! remember to submit your ccla and icla. encourage staff to take part.
How will outcomes be shared? Possibly May partner call and lists.
Updates from Steering
Fundraising letters, coming from Oasis.
This is last year before required fees.
Searching for new Hyrax technical lead. tamsin johnson stepping down in September. Interested, or know someone who might be, please let us know.
Call for Board (formerly Steering) nominations coming in May. Those first elected are reaching end of 3 year terms.
Switch to “board” from “steering” (as part of bylaws change driven by move to Oasis) is appropriate. Steering has never steered.
Bylaws change also requires treasurer role. Envisioned as two years in length. Treasurer will be someone on the board. Finance subcommittee will have chair and chair elect.
Hyrax Interest Group and Maintenance Working Group updates
Maintenance Working Group Updates
supports core maintenance and development of hyrax; shout out to the members of that group.
working through sprint cycles to clear blockers and accessibility-blockers; 3.x milestone – 6 open bugs; 6 open priorities
3 more sprints. 60 open bug issues, 20 open accessibility concerns, 9 open issues for documentation
IMLS Grant application – New Heights for Hyrax
Roadmaps Alignment – code reclamation project to find code that could be contributed back to the main branch
110 open enhancement issues
core leadership, oversees hyrax roadmap, facilitate by product owner
roadmap definition, prioritizing future work. trying to bring back the defunct roadmap page on the wiki.
asking questions, answering questions, gather interest in working group participation. trying to make it more engaging and figuring out how to make it useful for the community.
Demo: “Meadow”
Northwestern University Meadow - Samvera Repository Demo
Marketing Working Group presentations/discussion questions
Use of the Samvera Repo.
A vanilla installation of Hyku hosted by Notch8. There is no self deposit feature.
23 collections in the repo, mostly the presentations and recordings from Samvera Connect
Poll #1 Have you used the samvera repo: never used - 44%; used a few times 52%; used a lot - 4%
Poll #2 How will you use:
Communications logic model; peer recognition option
below was adapted for use by a community manager in the apache project
Should be one long term goal. intermediate goals are things you can see happening at all levels of the organization.
Recommendation to the community. How do we support maintainers? An easy way to recognize the work. Create an #appreciation channel (or similar); one channels where everyone can go to participate. It also allows us to see who is doing what in the community. Other names: #gratitude, #kudos, #shoutout
Use of social media by repositories
Do you use social media to promote your repository? If so, which channels/platforms do you use? Which audiences are you looking to reach?
How could Samvera help to promote your social media messaging? Would you be interested in making use of Samvera’s social media channels? If so, what would be useful?
Seems to be that most folks have their social media accounts managed by library communications and sometimes collections are pushed out there.
StoryMap.js Samvera Repository tour
example of a repository within storymap.js
working on updating this. when its in a more stable state it will be shared out more broadly.
Ongoing and submitted grant updates
New Heights for Hyrax update
Goals: infuse resources into Hyrax developments; build on the structure of the hyrax maintenance group.
Not trying to take over the current structures for Hyrax, but will instead build on top of them.
Bringing in a broader set of voices to inform the development roadmap.
Look for a public version of the proposal that will eventually be posted to the wiki page.
Hyku for Consortia update
PALCI and PALNI - the PALs working together
Collaborating to address barriers and shared challenges
Multiphased project
They currently are in Phase 2 and have an IMLS to address this phase of work.
Deliverables: collaborative workflow support, 3 theme templates, ETD and OER worktypes, bulk upload, sharing with the larger community, beginning of an operational model.
But they are still running into issues for some of their implementations. They submitted a second grant for this.
2021-2023 IMLS Proposal includes: user research, development, developing and refining operational model.
Advancing Hyku
Arcadia funded - Ubiquity, UVA, British Library.
Working on code reconciliation to align with Hyku’s main branch.
Working on metrics, bring publisher level metrics into the repository, also views and downloads, hoping to also add altmetrics.
Syncing with orcid, allowing users to automatically sync uploads to their orcid profile.
Auto-population methods, an alternative to symplectic elements. Partnering with UnpayWall so that we can autoupload content to hyku.
Improvements to the universal viewer for different file types.
1 year to go on the project, more detailed presentation at Connect.
UX Interest Group - Design Principles
Work for the group this year has so far been centered around design principles.
Updates from the group are here: Samvera Partner Meeting / Virtual Connect Spring 2021
Design principles could help keep us on track as we’re doing development of features for all of the applications.
Also should match the core set of Samvera’s vision and values.
Draft Design Principles Working Group - introducing to the Samvera community and gathering feedback on the principles so that we can make sure that all parts of the community are contributing.
Hyrax-Valkyrie Development update (@tamsin johnson 's slides here)
History of Hyrax and ActiveFedora development
Wings == a Valkyrie adaptor that uses ActiveFedora
Wings allows you to port your Hyrax app to Valkyrie. Many Hyrax functions work regardless of backend.
Roadmaps Alignment Group update (Link to @jen young 's slides here)
Roadmaps Alignment Document so that we can find code that can be pulled back into core and also find groups that might be able to assist with development.
Facilitation rotates every six months around samvera connect.
Codify the product owner selection/nomination process.
Parking Lot