Applied Linked Data Call 2015-12-10

Applied Linked Data Call 2015-12-10


Linked Data Fragments Update:
    * Intrigue over improving linked data performance.
    * Corey is interested in it and has back-burnered projects (but no time :)
SOLR Stored Fields Update:
    * Current thought now is to trim down that functionality and implement a really basic version.
    * Unsure of when they might do that.
    * Looks like we will have the selector approach.
    * Concurrency problems unlikely because it's only labels and not repo updates.
    * In blacklight, set "fl" to be the whole wildcards of the hydra application.
      * Need to edit the schema to add the fields with the new suffix?
      * Then update the Blacklight config should get you most of the way there?
    * There is a solr interface query thing in ActiveFedora that might just need some global configuration.
    * Whoever needs to do this would likely be the one to work on it.
    * Oregon is doing this already... (already doing atomic updates for LOD in solr. They just don't worry about full text)
    * Steven may do some work on this for Digital Transgender Archive.
    * Likely try to merge this into the default hydra-jetty config and into the Blacklight default configuation rather than just text instructions.
    * TODO: Trey to ping Oregon to ask about their priorities and timeline.
Metadata Enrichment Interface Update:
    * digitaltransgenderarchive.xyz
        * For Homosaurus, search on "law" for example since now much enterered on this test server.
    * Update form has lookup fucntionality for controlled vocabs:
        *Currently supports LCSH & Homosaurus vocabulary
    * Will eventually be here: https://github.com/boston-library/mei
    * Steven using Fedora 4 rather than Marmotta for persisting custom vocabularies.
  • Trey would have expected challenges with what URIs you can use in Fedora (external URIs?)

Ontology Development and Maintenance (for the Hydra Geospatial IG)
    * Using the Controlled Vocab. Manager from Oregon Digital?
    * Governance within the Hydra Community
    * RDF::Vocab and pull requests
    * Have a look at GeoOwl and it's relation to GeoRSS: http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/geo/XGR-geo-20071023/
    * Otherwise, recommendation is two fold:
  • Contact Julie re: getting a custom ontology through Metadata IG into Opaque Namespace
  • Follow up with RDF::Vocab folks to generate vocab from the Owl ontology

Next Official Meeting:

  • Next meeting will be January 7th at 9:00 AM PST / Noon EST.