Applied Linked Data 2016-01-07
Applied Linked Data 2016-01-07
Bill Branan
Owned by Bill Branan
Jun 16, 2017
Loading data...
* Steven Anderson (BPL)
* Trey Pendragon (Princeton)
* Anna Headley (CHF)
* David Lacy (Villanova)
* Corey Harper (NYU)
Linked Data Fragments Update:
* David tried Trey's presentation code and spun it up. Worked.
* Group's project was need for a way to cache remote vocabs for local use
* LDF Spec implementation has potential to manage this
* TRiple Pattern Fragments potentially help: http://linkeddatafragments.org/in-depth/#tpf
* 2nd half of this work is how do we then use cached triples to do things like enrich URIs for use in SOLR & in UI
Converation about the current status of hosting Minted URIs (especially outside of Fedora).
CHF may be putting together a grant application that is related to our group's current interests.
Solr OCR Exclusion Update (?):
* https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-3191 (looks like a December comment mentioned the patch no longer works)
* Erik Hatcher reached out shortly before the Holiday, stating that he expected to rewrite the field feature over the break.
Linked Data Usage Limits (Steven Anderson):
* In my case, would query them to get a search result for a term and then do 20 asynchrous requests to resolve each returned result (altLabels, broader, narrower mostly). This ended up having the Library of Congress block me.
* Their suggested solution is to either:
* A) Not do broader / narrower (?)
* B) Try to resolve the term directly as "http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/label/[term].rdf" (So http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/label/Health.json which means exact match only)
- * C) Download SKOS ttl and load to a triplestore locally: http://id.loc.gov/download/
- relationship between caching / proxying - to get around restrictive terms of service on providers' side.
LDP Implementation of Versioning (Memento) (Not our work, but an update)
- There's work going on for adding memento support to URIs in LDP.
Asserting Triples about External Resources + Versioning Them
- Need: not only cache URIs, but also make assertions about them. (e.g. the label is actually X)
- But probably only want to make an assertion against a specific version of a triple.
- Also probably want to record author of assertion
- This can be done with either named graphs or reification
Two same concepts but in different vocabularies:
* Tag twice? Use skos:exactMatch / skos:closeMatch? Etc.
* It depends?
* Probably just assert skos:exactMatch
* Historically you mint your own uri then skos:exactMatch or owl:sameAs to both terms.
* Also can wait for code from the previous conversation to be available.
* In a case that you can update the remote source (ie. Geonames), can add skos:exactMatch to other sources (ie. TGN).