Applied Linked Data Call 2015-07-09
Applied Linked Data Call 2015-07-09
Linked Data Fragments Sprint Report Back.
- Trey Pendragon did some coding to allow for a default response of what types of requests one can make in three different serializations.
- Code to make the actual subject request and cache it still being worked on by sanderson.
- Code to make this an engine to likely be done next week by James Van Mil
- Proposal to include Jetty with marmotta configured in the codebase.
- KriKri already does this and we could likely borrow from that for our implementation.
- For other caching backends, users would configure and set them up manually. This would mostly be for testing purposes.
- License issue that was opened on the code?
- Dedicate to the public domain. CC0 type license.
- James will do a pull request for that sometime today.
- Suggestion to do a short "sprint standup" type of meeting.
- Would be done on the off weeks of the normal call.
- Short meeting. Doodle poll for those interested: http://doodle.com/462tfbknmwhuc668
Broader / Narrower SKOS concepts in an application.
- Questions to Trey on how that went postponed to next time.
Next Meeting:
- Due to Open Repositories, the next meeting will be July 23rd at 9:00 AM PST.
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