Applied Linked Data Call 2015-04-29
Applied Linked Data Call 2015-04-29
- Oregon Digital uses MongoDB.
- Justin uses Marmotta
Sidecar. Does LDF apply to this. - How to Cache?
- Marmotta Option: Builtin Caching Logic
- LDF Server as Vocab Repo. Processes Triple Pattern Frags
- June 8th - June 19th (conflicts with Open Repositories though)
- June 15th - 26th (conflicts with one of the members being on vacation for the 2nd week).
- Main advantages of this work for our applications: easier configuration of caching invalidation rules and switching out the caching backend.
- Local Solr Reflections of what's in your cache
- Current: On save, retrieves asset from cache & save to solr
- Option 1: If you find a linked data element has changed, find the different objects with that reference & reindex
- Done via Resque/Redis background reindex jobs
- Slow!
- Option 2: intermediary Solr. Layer inbetween main solr and application that handles just the linked data (ie. resolves labels and the sticks them into the main solr response).
- Down side, now you have another proxy thing.
- Change still requires reindex, but maybe w/ atomic updates
- Option 3: Sidecar Indexer
- Application logic for reindexing happens outside of SOLR / Hydra.
- Occasionally polls Solr for out of date objects and updates their reference (unlike option 1 that schedules jobs when an out of date reference is found).
- Much easier to develop a sharable seperate application that that others could then use than trying to make Option 1 reusable.
- Does mean one has yet one more application running in addition to your Hydra Head / Linked Data Fragments Server / Caching mechanism...
- Would require stored fields and atomic updates.
- Application logic for reindexing happens outside of SOLR / Hydra.
- Leaning towards doing option 3 in the future. Would like feedback on other thoughts for handling this!
- For alt labels, could just pull it with the normal label into a single multi-valued solr field. Then could return results from "Boston" based on a search of the alternate label "Beantown".
- For broader / narrower, would be cool to be able to get those on a search. Not sure on the implementation and pushed off to the next call.
- Open an issue in Active-Fedora or Hydra-Jetty (likely Active Fedora).
- There is a stored searchable one that will do it as a stored field. Would need to check to ensure there is a stored facetable option (may need to have it added). Seems like it may be equivalent to :symbol.
, multiple selections available,