Applied Linked Data 2016-07-14

Applied Linked Data 2016-07-14

Time: 9:00 AM PST / Noon EST
Use Phone Line: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)

  1. Linked Data Fragments Update
    1. Fedora 4 Backend Experimentation
      1. No way to query Fedora 4 at all. The only option is to hit the root and then cascade down the objects. So... not possible to use it as a backend for linked data fragments. 
  2. Harvesting Discussion
    1. There was an attempt to prototype using ResourceSync and SiteMap at LDCX a few years in the past as an alternative to OAI.
      1. Discussion from LCDX^4:
      2. And the initial code from mjgiarlo & jronallo:
    2. There is a Fedora 4 blaclight implementation by University of Alberta. No one has tried it yet.
      1. https://github.com/ualbertalib/fcrepo4-oaiprovider
    3. NYU considering an option of writting an OAI provider that references their Solr directly under the hood. Essentially use the Solr API's to do most of the heavy lifting.
      1. Some code done using Java and XSLT in the past to create such an OAI endpoint exists?
    4. Steven plans to experiment using an external triplestore to that syncs to Fedora 4 to make triples available for access.
      1. But the group doesn't think this is the best approach. A document approach like OAI may be better and it is quite well standardized.
    5. End result is that much will depend on what DPLA wants. As such, Steven will reach out to DPLA to schedule a custom Applied Linked Data call on the topic of harvesting.
      1. Corey will also ask about the state of blacklight-oai (lacks tests, no sets, resumption token bug, etc)
  3. Hydra Connect 2016 Workship
    1. https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/hydra-connect/issues/63
      1. Suggestion to add QA to this talk.
      2. Others may be able to help with it but unsure at the moment for feasability.
        1. Anna has volunteered to try out any tutorials beforehand.
        2. Suggestion to perhaps reach out to the OpaqueNamespace people for help.
    2. Suggestions for HC2016 program
      1. Anna may add a group unconference talk about how to choose and how to knit together different linked data components. (Recipes for implementations).
        1. For example, when do you need QA? Linked Data Fragments? Etc.
      2. Also perhaps should include the Descriptive Metadata Group in some of this.
        1. Essentially a standardized way to do Authority Control?
  4. Call for other topics
    1. No other topics.

  1. Next meeting: To be Scheduled with DPLA

Next Meeting:  To be Scheduled with DPLA