Applied Linked Data 2016-06-23
Applied Linked Data 2016-06-23
- Steven
- Corey
- Arwen
- Anna
- Linked Data Fragments Update
- Will be added to MODS and RDF code tomorrow (Friday) in preperation for Monday's MODS and RDF call.
- Any SPARQL endpoint technologies to put over a repository for harvest?
- Call for other topics
- Linked Data Fragments Update
- Will be added to MODS and RDF code tomorrow (Friday) in preparation for Monday's MODS and RDF call.
- Steven, please let us (Corey) know if you want someone to play with it between then and our next call.
- Any SPARQL endpoint technologies to put over a repository for harvest?
- Steven will be harvesting from a fedora4 system. Should they use blacklight? Is there something else?
- Check fedora4 wiki for info on running an external triplestore and keeping it in sync with the repo using indexer copies, then running sql over there. said to work out of the box with fuseki and sesame. Corey will add link to minutes. Lynette may also have some tips.
- External Triplestore (Not sure if there's more up-to-date info than this, as this is 2.5 years old)
- Fedora 4 is explicitly not a triplestore.
- More info on a use case: harvesting for DPLA service hub from a fedora system. would prefer to get the data as linked data since it's already in there that way; skip conversation to/from OAI. also avoid potential data loss or simplification.
- Use an LDF approach?
- Write a fedora backend for LDF? – Sounds like Steven is going to look into this.
- At NYU they are trying to hack more functionality into the Blacklight OAI gem.
- What are other people doing? At WGBH they use the Blacklight OAI gem but it's not great.
- Call for other topics
- Next meeting: July 14th.
Next Meeting: July 14th at 9:00 AM PST / Noon EST
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