Hydra Tech Call 2015-02-25

Hydra Tech Call 2015-02-25

Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025

Moderator: Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)

Notetaker: Glen Horton (UC)


    • Jeremy Friesen (ND)

    • Glen Horton (Cincinnati)

    • Thomas Scherz (Cincinnati)

    • Trey Terrell (Oregon State)

    • Carolyn Cole (Penn State)

    • Esmé Cowles (UCSD)

    • Adam Wead (Penn State)

    • Collin Brittle (Virginia Tech)

    • David Chandek-Stark (Duke)

    • Peter Binkley (U. Alberta)

    • Mike Giarlo (Penn State)

    • Justin Coyne (Data Curation Experts)

    • Anna Headley (Chemical Heritage Foundation)

    • Chris Colvard (IU) 

    • Steven Ng (Temple University) 


    1. Call for Agenda Items

    2. Process of promoting gems from projecthydra-labs to projecthydra (awead)

      • Several on the call agreed that dependencies of core gems should be in projecthydra instead of projecthydra-labs.

      • The guidelines were created at the last LCDX, but some finer points need to be hashed out.

      • Action items

        1. Carolyn will dig out the notes from the past Hydra-Connect session and post them to hydra-tech.

        2. Thomas and Glen will review the guidelines and see which current repositories don’t meet them.  If something is missing, they will open an issue in that repository.

        3. This needs to be discussed at LCDX.  It should go on the Hydra Developers Congress agenda.

    3. Pull requests: are they broken? (Carolyn)

      • Carolyn had a pull request that took over a year to be merged.  Their project suffered and developer time was wasted rebasing over and over.

      • Some other institutions have had to merge their own pull requests to get work done in a reasonable amount of time.

      • It was noted that many institutions may be more focused on their own projects right now because of Fedora 4 migrations, etc.

      • Jeremy noted that nowhere is it stated that people from the same institution shouldn’t merge pull requests.  It only says “it is considered "poor form" to merge your own request.”  So there is no need to always wait on someone from another institution.

    4. Next Call

      • Date: March 4, 2015

      • Moderator: Carolyn Cole (Penn State)

      • Notetaker: Thomas Scherz (Cincinnati)