Hydra Tech Call 2015-03-18

Hydra Tech Call 2015-03-18

Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025

Moderator: Adam Wead (PSU)

Notetaker: Thomas Scherz (Cincinnati)


  • Joe Atzberger (Stanford)

  • Aaron Coburn (Amherst)
  • Jeremy Friesen (Notre Dame)
  • Steven Ng (Temple)
  • Adam Wead (PSU)
  • Michael Mitchell (Emory)
  • Andrew Myers (WGBH)
  • David Chandek-Stark (Duke)

  • Carolyn Cole (Penn State)

  • Corey Harper (NYU)
  • Anna Headley (Chemical Heritage Foundation)

  • Ben Armintor (Columbia)
  • Mike Giarlo (PSU)
  • Esmé Cowles (UC San Diego)


  1. projecthydra-labs/rdf-vocab - Move to ruby-rdf? (David Chandek-Stark, Duke)

    1. Background: https://github.com/projecthydra-labs/rdf-vocab/issues/20

      1. Started in projecthydra-labs as a place to put vocabularies that are commonly used in hydra repositories.

      2. Contact with Greg Kellog (ruby-rdf) and thoughts about bringing under the umbrella of ruby-rdf organization.
    2. Do we want this?  (If NO, stop)

      1. Good or Not?

      2. David thinks it is a good thing.  Esme' agrees and likes the idea of them being a part of our central vocabulary.

      3. Consensus is that we should do move this under ruby-rdf.

    3. If so, we'd have to change license to UNLICENSE and significant contributors would have to submit a public domain disclaimer and copyright disclaimer – see https://github.com/ruby-rdf/rdf/blob/develop/README.md#contributing.  I don't know how we would reckon lines of code in this case, since generated vocabs are not really written by the submitters.  It may be that only a couple of us need to clear this hurdle.

    4. Does (c) present unacceptable legal barriers to participating institutions?  (If YES, stop?)

      1. Could hydra partners provide us with a clarification of changing the license to UNLICENSE?  Later conversation.

    5. If not, how do we proceed?

      1. Should we be concerned with any of the project-hydra licensing legality?

      2. Punt to hydra steering committee?

      3. Similiar to ActiveTriples presidence...  Yes, we could do this, but each institution would need to get approval for use of an UNLICENSE in their contributions.

      4. Proposed Solution:  Transfer a minimal amount of code to ruby-rdf rather and re-write a library under the ruby-rdf organization

        1. run rdf-vocab loader on urls

        2. Justin Coyne could do this transfer, since he is not work for hire and could do it with a public domain license.  David will check with him.

      5. There are others outside who could lend a helping hand.  We should find out who else can assist with contributing to the public domain.

  2. Hydra's LDP requirements, Fedora-isms, etc. (Ben Armitor)

    1. There is a contingent of people who are invested in LDP as an API and there is a related contingent invested in Fedora as a platform.  Those are becoming two different things.  

    2. What are the intentions of a Hydra repository and LDP/Fedora?  

    3. Think seriously about commitments to platforms and specifications?

    4. Example of a concern:  You can't create a pure resource without an LDP container.  Exposure / Interactions /Implemenations

    5. Ben is exploring running ActiveFedora against other LDP implementations.

    6. Hydra Expectations of LDP Implementations

    7. Esme'  :  There may not ever be consensus on this.   It is a matter of perspective.

  3. LDCX Agenda

    1. Check latest email from Rob Sanderson.

  4. Next call
    1. Date: March, 25, 2015
    2. Moderator:  Justin Coyne
    3. Notetaker:  Glen Horton