Hydra Tech Call 2015-05-20

Hydra Tech Call 2015-05-20

Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 1-530-881-1400, access code 651025

Moderator: Steven Ng (Temple)

Notetaker: Thomas Scherz (Cincinnati)


  • Peter Binkley (Alberta)
  • Sharon Farrnell (Alberta)
  • Katherine Lynch(Temple)
  • Lakeisha Robinson (Yale)
  • Colin Brittle (Va Tech)
  • Drew Myers (WGBH)
  • Anna Headley (Chemical Heritage)
  • Glen Horton (UC)
  • Jon Stroop (Princeton)
  • Adam Wead (PSU)
  • Justin Coyne (DCE)
  • Mike Giarlo (PSU)
  • Karen Estlund (Oregon)
  • Matt Zumwalt (Zumwalt Inc.)
  • Cory Harper (NYU)
  • Carolyn Cole (PSU)


  1.  Call for agenda items
    1. None
  2.  PCDM discussion from NE Hydra meeting (Drew)
    1.  Participants at the NE Hydra Meeting had some questions about PCDM and Hydra
      1.  I am currently running hydra.  Will I have to implement PCDM?  Inherit with upgrade?  Sewn into future fabric?
      2.  How much effort would a refactor be?
      3.  Is there a plan for one or more reference implementations?
    2.  Carolyn:   PCDM would be a separate gem and migration will be less hard for Fedora 4 v. Fedora 3.
    3.  Justin:  We are going to have to include PCDM in Hydra:Collections.  If you are going to be using Hydra:Collections, Worthwhile, or Sufia you will be using PCDM.  If you want to work directly with ActiveFedora than you may not have to use PCDM.
    4. Cory:  There is still some confusion about the relationship between PCDM / LDP / Active Triples.  How does it relate to a Fedora 4 migration.  If we host the documentation on hydra-pcdm then we should link to PCDM / LDP / Active Triples in those documents.
    5.  Resources:
      1. Sufia Sprint - 2015-05-04 thru 05-15
      2. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mMIIQCm18Cosk3vfSsTzECGMRi2m-USBWwt-89DxbNE/edit#heading=h.lvcrwrv5ema9
    6. Action Item:  
      1. Drew will create a resource page called PCDM in Hydra under the Sufia Duraspace Wiki
      2. Drew will post any unresolved questions to hydra-tech for conversation.  I.E.  Upgrade paths, refactor efforts, reference implementations...
  3.  Curation Engine and Curation Concern Gem
    1. Open up for questions.
    2.  Organized by hierarchy of uses.
    3.  ActiveFedora sits under hydra-pcdm.
    4.  Princeton is working on the Hydra::CurationConcerns gem.
    5.  There is a branch of sufia that relies on hydra-works.
    6.  Matt will also begin to extract Hydra::CurationEngine from worthwhile this quarter.
    7.  Names?  Provide feedback on mailing list.

  4. Next call
    1. Date: May 27, 2015
    2. Moderator:  Justin Coyne
    3. Notetaker:  Mike Giarlo