Hydra Tech Call 2015-11-11

Hydra Tech Call 2015-11-11

Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025

Moderator: Steven Ng

Notetaker: Esme Cowles


  • Steven Ng (Temple)
  • Esme Cowles (Princeton)
  • Nabeela Jaffer (Michigan)
  • Mike Giarlo (Stanford)
  • Justin Coyne (DCE)
  • Julie Hardesty (Indiana)
  • Carolyn Cole (Penn State)
  • Adam Wead (Penn State)
  • Lynette Rayle (Cornell)


  1. Call for additional agenda items
  2. Next call
    1. Date: November 18, 2015
    2. Moderator: 
    3. Notetaker:

  3. Hydra-Head release pinned to Blacklight 5.16 (so we can suppress deprecation warnings)
  4. Release of Sufia 6.4
  5. Workflow to contact HMIG for metadata issues
  6. Blacklight Summit report
  7. PCDM-Sufia progress report



  1. Next call (November 18, 2015)
    1. Moderator: Justin Coyne
    2. Notetaker: Mike Giarlo
  2. Hydra-Head release pinned to Blacklight 5.16 (so we can suppress deprecation warnings)
    1. Justin: Blacklight 5.16 released, but includes a lot of deprecations
      1. Should we do a new release of Hydra Head to use the new methods and get rid of warnings
      2. No one is opposed
  3. Release of Sufia 6.4
    1. Adam: Lynette asked for a new release, anything we need to wait for?
    2. Justin: Wait for new Hydra Head?
    3. Mike: Fine with doing now or waiting for new Hydra Head, but don't want to wait forever
    4. Adam: Let's do 6.4 without Hydra Head, and then we can update to the new Hydra Head release and do a 6.4.1 or 6.5 as appropriate
    5. Mike: +1
    6. Lynette: I can help with the release tomorrow
  4. Workflow to contact Samvera Metadata Interest Group for metadata issues
    1. Julie: We're recommending people tag @jlhardes in Github issues/PRs to get attention for metadata issues
  5. Blacklight Summit report
    1. Carolyn: 25-30 people from about 13 institutions met at Princeton
      1. Started with history of Blacklight and demos of different implementations
      2. Breakout groups working on GeoBlacklight, BL 6 pre-release, plugins (Advanced Search, Range Limit, Folders)
      3. BL 6 is coming out soon (can use 6.0-pre3 to check it out now), includes auto-suggest
    2. Esme: Should we include Blacklight in the Hydra Tech call?
      1. Justin: You should ask the Blacklight list
    3. Carolyn: Planning on yearly summit, so plan on one next year.  Princeton offered to host again next year, but happy for others to host
      1. Mike: Should this be part of HydraConnect?
  6. PCDM-Sufia progress report
    1. Mike: New Hydra PCDM/Works/CurationConcerns/Sufia stack presented at HydraConnect
      1. The components have been released up to CurationConcerns.
      2. Working on getting Sufia running on top of CurationConcerns, 4 weeks into an 8 week sprint
      3. Shooting for release of Sufia on top of CurationConcerns before the end of the year
    2. Justin: CurationConcerns 0.3 released last work
      1. DCE working with Washington Univ to use this for their latest Hydra head
      2. Usable state, ready for people to start working with them
    3. Esme: Second what Justin said, Princeton is using CurationConcerns for our new Hydra Head (Plum) and it's going well