Hydra Tech Call 2015-09-30
Hydra Tech Call 2015-09-30
Time: 9:00am PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 1-641-715-3660, access code 651025
Moderator: Justin Coyne
Notetaker: Colin Gross
- Peter from Alberta
- Ryan from Oregon State
- Justin from DCE
- Colin from UMich
- Drew from WGBH
- Adam from PSU
- Carolyn from PSU
- Anna from Chemical Heritage Foundation
- Trey from Princeton
- Steven from Temple
- Call for agenda items
- Hydra Connect wrap up
- Side loading and derivatives (hydra-derivatives 3.0)
- Other urgent things:
- Full Text extraction Solr errors. Are these correct?
- Next call
- Date: October 7, 2015
- Moderator: Steven Ng
- Notetaker: Drew Myers
- Date: October 7, 2015
Call for agenda items
- Active Fedora pr 901 from Trey. Contained rdf sources.
Hydra Connect wrap up
- Wiki is getting documented with slides and notes.
- No talks were recorded.
- Future hydra connect talks could be recorded. expense? volunteers?
At very least audio recording + slides.
- There is a survey for attendees.
- DPLA & Standford did lots of work for HyBox.
See project in projecthydra-labs for feature requests.
Side loading and derivatives
- Hydra-derivatives 3.0 by PR #84
- Breaks backwards compatibility
- Addresses Nathan Rogers use case. Ingesting lots of big objects.
- Derivatives require a lot of network traffic when pulling bitstreams from Fedora.
- This alternative is to keep files in staging area on disk.
- Potential drawback is process doing this is staging location has to be visible to characterization job.
- OutputFileService defaults to being on disk
- Use case for some derivatives going into repository and some on disk/cache needs to be tested.
Other urgent things
- Hydra-derivaties PR #83.
Closes IO hanging issue.
- Full text extraction solr errors
- Update FULLTEXT_JARS according to Sufia issue.
- Jars need to be updated to solr 4.10 compatibility.
- Should jars be obtained from solr distro or maven?
- There is room for improvement around hydra jetty and configuration management.
, multiple selections available,