Component Maintenance Interest Group

Component Maintenance Interest Group

Scope & Objectives

Originally intending to serve as the fifth, recurring, phase of the Core Component Maintenance Working Group, this Interest Group seeks to continue the efforts undertaken by Phase 4 (and previous phases) of the CCMWG in seeking to collectively labor to ensure that Samvera Community projects are well maintained for active use.

This Interest Group seeks to continue the ongoing maintenance of identified core components in the community, via planned sprints and communication with product owners. Work for these features on components is considered out of scope. Working group members will plan and participate in these sprints, as well as communicate that planning and welcome contributions from the larger community. The core components supported for this phase are identified within the following: http://samvera.github.io/core_components.html.  It should further be noted that our efforts shall be coordinated with the appropriate Samvera governance bodies.


Proposed Deliverables:

  1. Review and update Core Components list http://samvera.github.io/core_components.html

  2. Deprecate relevant projects in the samvera GitHub organization to samvera-deprecated

  3. Ensure the projects in the Samvera GitHub organization meet the standards to be there as defined at http://samvera.github.io/samvera_labs.html

  4. Promote relevant projects from samvera-labs to the Samvera github organization if they meet the requirements (or make them meet the requirements if they should)

  5. Run a yearly dependency report against Partner repositories to help support deprecation, promotion, and prioritization.

  6. Identify 1 member from the group to represent them on the Samvera Roadmaps Alignment Group

  7. Respond to any security alerts

  8. Review successes and failures of the group, with the intention of defining a process for continuous, annual component project maintenance.

    1. Provide an annual written report on the status of core components in regards to Ruby/Rails compatibility or any security/technical issues we've been able or unable to deal with. "Component Technical Health Report"




Meeting Times & Communication Channels

Held Weekly on Thursday at 09:00 PDT/12:00 EDT/16:00 UTC

URL: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/7739591625


Current Members

  • @James Griffin (Princeton University Library) (Chair)

  • Please add your name here

Meeting Notes

Community Sprints

  • (No sprints have been held)

Previous Working Group Phases

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