2020-09-25 - Planning a Dev Congress November 2020

2020-09-25 - Planning a Dev Congress November 2020

September 25 Meeting, 3pm Eastern

Attendees: Adam, Anna, Lynette


Review action items from previous meeting:

  • Everyone try the ics file (Anna, Adam, and Lynette have tried it)
  • Trey will update the text for the ics link and move it below the times
  • Jeremy will keep on top of getting an announcement into Plenary (carried over)
  • Lynette will update "Home" to have contact info (carried over - we couldn't remember what contact info should be included, though)
  • Anna will move initial email draft into a google doc so we can collaborate on edits asynchronously (please insert comments to suggest changes:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tO_pQEeyINFVo2Fgv99XPqYb5e8-qRYxZNA3ThTqQEA/edit)
  • Lynette: add instructions to our home page for how to register for wiki and/or sign up for this event if they're not registered (carried over)
  • Anna will schedule us for 2 weeks from now.

New Agenda Items

  • Finalize the initial email

Communication schedule:

  1. October 1st: This is happening! Are you joining us? Propose a topic! Contact information: join the slack channel, communication section of our home page.
  2. Announcement at Partners (added by Jeremy Friesen )
  3. Announcement at Connect
  4. November 9th: One week before "This is still going to happen!"
  5. Send the link an hour before start to #developer-congress, post to #dev that it's about to start.


  • Re: getting wiki registration info on the wiki: It used to be you sent an email to lyrasis and they would add you. Now you have to send it to Richard and he has to contact Lyrasis. Currently Richard didn't have the permissions to be able to do his part. So Lynette is waiting for this to all solidify before she can add it to the wiki.
  • We reviewed and finalized the initial email.

Action items:

  • Jeremy will keep on top of getting an announcement into Plenary (carried over)
  • Lynette will add a link to the planning committee page under "communication" on the home page with some sort of like "contact any one of us with questions"
  • Lynette: add instructions to our home page for how to register for wiki and/or sign up for this event if they're not registered (carried over / in progress)
  • Anna will schedule 15 minute check-ins every 2 weeks until the event.
  • Anna will email the final announcement to samvera-tech / samvera-community / partners on October 1st. Also drop a @channel announcement on #dev channel mentioning that it went out.

Agenda Items for next time: