2020-08-28 - Planning a Dev Congress November 2020
2020-08-28 - Planning a Dev Congress November 2020
MONTH DAY Meeting, TIME Eastern
Review from last meeting
- Action Items:
- (Lynette) We're gonna move the Zoom bombing document to Co-Development.
- (Lynette) Move Topic Facilitator Guide - Developer Congress 2020 todo items to home page.
- Will also put times here and remove the "Logistics" page.
- (Anna) Create an agenda for the kickoff meeting.
- (Kait) please add guidance to the Room Captain Template
- (Anna) Review+edit co-development recommendations for zoom. Co-development Technologies#HelpfulHintsonHowtouseVisualStudio - it looks good. Maybe Lynette already looked at it?
- (Trey) Replace "Room Captain" with "Topic Facilitator
- (Anna) Send meeting to everyone for a couple weeks from now.
New agenda items
- Where should topic facilitators put the estimate?
- added to Topic List spreadsheet (temp., open to suggestions and moving that - Kait)
- Schedule & Format
- Preparation
- What should we ask of attendees in advance?
- How far in advance should potential contributors get the resources from the facilitator?
- Communication Plan
- When do we send emails?
- How will we distribute the zoom link? We should note the answer to this question on the home page.
- We should set up the zoom link. What default settings do we want?
- Schedule next meeting
Communication Plan
- Partner Meeting: October 14th Wednesday - Thursday 15th
- Connect: October Thursday 22nd- Wednesday28th
- Dev congress: November Monday 16th - Wednesday 18th
Desired communications
From previous notes: Three weeks before Samvera Connect 2020 advertise a template for proposing topics.
- October 1st: This is happening! Are you joining us? Propose a topic! Contact information: join the slack channel, communication section of our home page.
- Announcement at Partners (added by Jeremy Friesen )
- Announcement at Connect
- November 9th: One week before "This is still going to happen!"
- Send the link an hour before start to #developer-congress, post to #dev that it's about to start.
Do we want to try to get something on the website? No.
Do we want to get something on some specific wiki page? We are on the event list: Events, presentations and articles
How we send them:
- Samvera tech list
- #general
- #dev (use an @channel mention)
Zoom channel
We can use Trey's zoom.
Put it on the wiki page, include in November 1st email.
Defaults to ensure: video off, audio muted
Action items:
- Trey will look into making an .ics file for people to add the check-ins to their calendar
- Trey will create the zoom
- Kait will change "duration" column to "time estimate"
- Jeremy will keep on top of getting an announcement into Plenary
- Lynette will update "Home" to have contact info.
- Jeremy will draft the October 1st email
- Anna will draft agendas for check in and wrap-up
- Lynette: add instructions to our home page for how to register for wiki and/or sign up for this event if they're not registered
- Anna will schedule us for 2 weeks from now.
Agenda next time
- Finalize the initial email
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