Tuesday 19th March 2019
Jon Dunn
- Karen Cariani
- Hannah Frost
Jessica Hilt(apologies)Brian Hole(apologies)- rsteans
- Richard Green
- Annual fundraising call check-in
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K2Q7qona5IlCeyxrCKG-ghCg4Sc1CFzETcGRj4CPZ5w/edit?usp=sharing
- RG to see how this text fits with the DuraSpace template
- 2019 Connect sponsorship - report due by end of month
- From charter:
- March 31st, 2019: Report on the desirability of Sponsorship for Samvera Connect and, if appropriate, practical approaches to attracting it (the timing is in order to inform the Connect 2019 planning process
- List of Potential Sponsors
- Levels chart:
- From charter: