Tuesday 19th March 2019
Tuesday 19th March 2019
Jon Dunn
- Karen Cariani
- Hannah Frost
Jessica Hilt(apologies)Brian HoleĀ Ā (apologies)- rsteans
- Richard Green
- Annual fundraising call check-in
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K2Q7qona5IlCeyxrCKG-ghCg4Sc1CFzETcGRj4CPZ5w/edit?usp=sharing
- RG to see how this text fits with the DuraSpace template
- 2019 Connect sponsorship - report due by end of month
- From charter:Ā
- March 31st, 2019:Ā Report on the desirability of Sponsorship for Samvera Connect and, if appropriate, practical approaches to attracting it (the timing is in order to inform the Connect 2019 planning process
- List of Potential Sponsors
- Levels chart:Ā https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19KOobVRUp3SNvYXLKRkX2xCAud44S_AJeEmxrk2cETY/edit?usp=sharing
- share with Andrew at Wash U at St. Louis - what can they deliver or not deliverĀ
- RS has emailed WUSTL about their ability to deliver the various sponsorship "rewards" - waiting for response
RS will draftĀ the Report (see (a)) in short order for comment by other WG members.Ā This will recommend a trial of sponsorship in 2019.
We need a Connect 2019 website soon in order to inform potential sponsors.Ā RG to investigate building this off samvera.org
Members of the WG will work on obtaining sponsorship (not the WUSTL team)
Alert Partners to the recommendations by email prior to brief discussion on next Partner call (April 12).
All to consider sponsorship contribution levels with respect to the registration fee (likely $250-$295)
- From charter:Ā
- Follow-ups on Danielle Robinson discussion re. funders
- Most useful outcomes were a recommendation to contact Josh Greenberg at the Sloan Foundation.Ā Brian has done this but has not yet had a response.Ā JD to follow up.Ā Ā Could also be useful to consider how the Mellon Foundation might help us
Would potential funders expect a business plan?Ā That might be one of the deliverables from a grant - and best farmed out to a consultant
- Most useful outcomes were a recommendation to contact Josh Greenberg at the Sloan Foundation.Ā Brian has done this but has not yet had a response.Ā JD to follow up.Ā Ā Could also be useful to consider how the Mellon Foundation might help us
- Other deliverables from charter:
- Partner meeting April 2019:Ā Interim report for feedback outlining the likely recommendations for a wide fundraising effort
- Start drafting this report as soon as we have the sponsorship document (see 2a)
- June 30, 2019:Ā Final, integrated report combining all the above into an annual cycle.
- Partner meeting April 2019:Ā Interim report for feedback outlining the likely recommendations for a wide fundraising effort
- Any other business
- Concern that the Contribution Model Phase 2 Working Group survey may confuse the messaging over 2019 fund raising.Ā The annual fundraising letter might need to contain wording to clarify the situation and to explain the relationship between the WGs.Ā RG to email CMWG to ask when they might share their findings.
- Concern that the Contribution Model Phase 2 Working Group survey may confuse the messaging over 2019 fund raising.Ā The annual fundraising letter might need to contain wording to clarify the situation and to explain the relationship between the WGs.Ā RG to email CMWG to ask when they might share their findings.
- Next meeting April 2