Wednesday 19th December

Wednesday 19th December

Joining information

To join the Meeting:



To join via Room System:

Video Conferencing System: bjn.vc -or-

Meeting ID : 972118731


To join via phone :

1)  Dial:

                +1.408.740.7256 (US (San Jose))

                +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)

                +1.408.317.9253 (US (Primary, San Jose))

                (see all numbers - http://bluejeans.com/numbers)

2)  Enter Conference ID : 972118731


Karen Cariani  (WGBH, Boston)

Jon Dunn (Indiana University)

Hannah Frost (Stanford University)

Richard Green (University of Hull - co-facilitator) (apologies)

Jessica Hilt (University of California, San Diego)

Brian Hole (Ubiquity Press)

Ryan Steans (Northwestern University, Avalon - co-facilitator)


  1. Changes to agenda

  2. Working Group membership
    1. Did we come up with any other people it would be useful to approach to join or advise the WG?

  3. 2019 Partner and Supporter Fundraising call
    1. Review sample documents in Google Drive
    2. Can we, effectively, repeat the thrust of the Spring letter? 
    3. If so, what are the Samvera Community achievements, and needs, that we should highlight?
    4. Would we want to add anything about a wider fundraising call later in the year?  And/or: How might we encourage these folks to contribute more.  FYI: this call goes to all the Partners (not just those who actually contribute funds) and to a couple of non-Partners who regularly contribute.

  4. Sponsorship for Samvera Connect
    1. Review examples of other sponsorship schemes
    2. Should Connect seek sponsors?
    3. If so, brainstorm initial list of organizations that we might target
    4. How would we "sell it to them".  (What would they get for their money beyond "feeling good"?)

  5. Large-scale fundraising
    1. Brainstorm an initial list of people we think we might approach
    2. How would we "sell it to them".  (What would they get for their money beyond "feeling good"?)
      1. Does the 1% open source funding model have any leverage? https://www.ericholscher.com/blog/2018/mar/9/one-percent-for-open-source/
    3. How might we develop a contributory model from service providers?

  6. Date of next meeting
    1. Wednesday January 9th.  08:30PT, 11:30ET, 16:30UK
    2. After 9th January set up a Doodle poll to agree future dates

2.  Would be pulling other people in the org - will approach people as needed or thought of

3.  Highlight Hyrax WG releases, losing all the devs in the Hyrax WG, not putting forth more developers, - if you're not giving devs, give money.  Can we do that - 

      combine "ask" - tying the usual contribution - state dependencies - here's all the stuff, if you like the contributions, you should give money or give dev time to support the roadmap

      Informal contact or other kinds of messages to particular interests -  

      Ask goes out in March/ April - 

      Personal contact - approach to reach out to individuals at institutions - work within BTAA - IU, Mich, Northwestern - director to director peer pressure

      A more targeted, personalized approach - contact list of who knows who and who can reach out to whom, have their UL reach out.  

      What are the aspirations for the year?  - 

     Contribution WG - model 

What we want to do with the money - shoot for that amount in the contributions (what we'll do with the money - what does it go to?) 

What money will be used for - multi-year commitment ask

4.  See notes in " "  - need to build positions into that as well.  Getting a lot of support as they get it together

What kinds of entities are likely to want to sponsor?

Vendors that might be interested?

Solicit from community - people using product, anyway

Ex: Rancher, Docker, they know Jess and UCSD, can come in

Google Cloud - make sure you’re careful as competitors show up

Didn’t have all those vendors at first, told other vendors about it

Ex: Jess - told Rancher to get involved

Cloud Providers

Google Cloud



OR- commerical repo providers, complimentary providers




Philanthropic orgs? -

Green Open access supporters, etc…  Foundations, etc… specific, measurable outcomes from many

Conceivably build support for infrastructure

Money to an institution,

DuraSpace or the conference host

Outside general philosophy - don’t become dependent on grants -

Look at fundraising

5.  2.5% initiative - David Lewis from IUPUI - libraries should give 2.5% to community-based projects supporting infrastructure to open source - what percentage of instutions budget is the library archive  https://scholarworks.iupui.edu/handle/1805/14063

Fedora, DuraSpace, Samvera - bundling that gift?  Should Samvera community bundle that?  

5-10K fatigue - number of such things goes up every year, desire for management - looking at things like IIIF and PKP, all asking for similar kinds of money

what you get for the contribution - 5 Connect registrations?  A totebag?

Have to have one of the institutions donate a position - 

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