Tuesday 28th May
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- Jon Dunn
Karen Cariani(apologies)- Hannah Frost
- Hilt, Jessica (Deactivated)
Brian Hole(apologies)- rsteans
- Richard Green
- Additions to the agenda
- Annual fundraising call
- Status check
- Spreadsheet
- Connect Sponsorship
- Acquiring sponsors
- Follow-ups on Danielle Robinson discussion re. funders
- Status check
- Tom Cramer is prepared to introduce us to Josh Greenberg at the Sloan Foundation. He suggests: "that we prepare a written description of Samvera’s challenges, ideas, goals, interests, and/or questions — something for Tom to forward to Josh, something that entices Josh to invite a meeting with Samvera leaders."
- Action? RG & JD to start a draft document?
- Status check
- Any other business
- Next call
- Tuesday 11 June 08:00 Pacific, 11:00 Eastern, 16:00 UK
- Tuesday 11 June 08:00 Pacific, 11:00 Eastern, 16:00 UK
email from Val/ Erin about the contribution sent early May - invoice for same as last year's amount has been sent out if no response from receiving institution within two weeks. Is this too short a window? People may then just pay the invoice without increasing their contribution?
Question: another communication to partners on that topic? - already received a number of communications from partners saying they can help by increasing their donation. Last request from Steering to Partners went out May 7. JD to craft a follow-up email.
RG to add Ryan's text (as amended) to the wiki page. Test out a sponsorship request with DLF (also ask for feedback on the text) and Notch 8.
JH will reach out to DCE
RG to contact EBSCO offering basic sponsorship in response to their $20k donation. Also Lyrasis after their forthcoming call with Steering.
JH also to try AWS and Docker contacts.
Grant funding
JD and RG to work on an introduction to the Sloan Foundation. RG working on a paper about the Samvera Community which may be useful as a source. Work deferred until after June 18th because of other commitments. There is useful info on the Sloan website.
Next call 15 minutes - (June 11)
June 25 - we will meet - apologies from Richard (also July 9th) & Hannah!