2018-11-27 Program Committee
2018-11-27 Program Committee
Connection Info:
- Join from PC, Mac: Skype for Business Join online meeting
- Aaron Collier (Stanford)
- Chris Diaz (Northwestern)
- Hannah Frost (Stanford)
- Brian McBride (Utah–host committee)
- Margaret Mellinger (Oregon State)
- Jennifer Moore (WUSTL)
- John H. Robinson, IV (UCSD)
- arouner (WUSTL)
- Emily Stenberg (WUSTL)
David Wilcox(DuraSpace)- Richard Green (Hull–Steering)
- Brian McBride
- Harish Maringanti <Harish.maringanti@utah.edu>
- Parker Dougherty <parker.dougherty@utah.edu>
- Ian Godfrey <ian.godfrey@utah.edu>
- Michael Bigler <michael.bigler@utah.edu>
- Lydia Porter <lydia.porter@utah.edu>
Agenda and Notes
- Welcome
- Facilitator arouner
- Discussion of conference "satisfaction survey"
- What were some of the problems we encountered that might be avoided?
- Were there ways the committee ran that could be improved?
- Possible recommendations (from survey and beyond) for 2019:
- Reduce platforms/tools to use in planning/delivering Connect...GitHub, wiki, Google forms/drive etc.?
- Which are essential? Are there other tools that could cover multiple tasks that should be considered?
- Define and limit use of Sessionizer–use only for lightning talks and unconference?
- Identify someone to work on Sessionizer in initial call for committee members?
- RG: try not to scatter lightning talks around lots of spots, maybe a block of 3 or so, maybe or not on presentations day...
- RG: things we might want to think about...RG suggesting maybe have the second hour of poster sessions be for lightning talks
- this would help with conflicts
- Brian recommended sched.com to use in place
- RG suggests we should look at conference software, and we should find some people to talk to about this...i.e. Tom Cramer et al, but note: we don't want to lose level of detail we have with waffleboard etc.
- RG: what Host Committee should look at EventBrite b/c of the way it handles email
- What is the timeline for calling for Program Committee volunteers and for it to be set?
- Write up of these suggestions, for Program and Host Committees respectively, by 2/19?
- Hannah:
- lack of clarity on access to shared notes session notes at conference–possibly have room captains or other volunteers
- crow sourced recording we need to consider earlier on
- noticed plenary speakers–wasn't a lot of coordination on plenary talks and maybe there was some unnecessary overlap
- Chris: one thing that stuck out was to have an end of week session for newcomers...things got a little more technical/confusing to debrief with each other...
- in earlier Connects there was a developer congress in parallel but it caused problems in past...should be discussed again...some mentioned maybe doing this again?
- Brian suggested maybe alongside the partner meeting (day)?
- Could we gather and reorganize some of the materials from the past year and previous years, to identify required tasks and timelines, for a more complete picture of what is needed for Connect planning?
- WG/IG updates...should NOT go in plenary again, but maybe a better
- RG it (the main document for Connect planning) could be updated or it could be re-written, but we should do something Richard will decide...so Richard, Brian and Andrew will review over next few days to decide how to revise etc....
- main document for Connect planning is here: Organizing Samvera Connect meetings wasn't revised for 2017?
- Additional items