2018-08-21 Program Committee
2018-08-21 Program Committee
Connection Info:
- Join from PC, Mac: Skype for Business Join online meeting
- Aaron Collier (Stanford)–regrets
- Chris Diaz (Northwestern)–regrets
- Hannah Frost (Stanford)
- Brian McBride (Utah–host committee)
- Margaret Mellinger (Oregon State)
- Jennifer Moore (WUSTL)–regrets
- John H. Robinson, IV (UCSD)
- arouner (WUSTL)
- Emily Stenberg (WUSTL)
David Wilcox(DuraSpace)- Richard Green (Steering)
Agenda and Notes
- Welcome / Check attendees list (above)
- Volunteer for note taker:
- Facilitator arouner
- Additions/changes to agenda?
- Scheduling/future meetings (just for reference)
Committee members known time-off or missing for future meetings (can write in following meeting)
- Andrew: June 25-29; August 6-8; 22-27 (meeting conflict 8/7–see below, 6c)
- Margaret: July 13-23 , possibly missing 7/17 meeting
- Emily: July 30-August 3 (no meeting conflicts)
- Richard: September 4th & 18th
- Hannah: July 23-August 7 (will miss 8/7 meeting)
- John: August 13-16 (Will miss 14th)
- Other scheduling items?
- Overall program
- Can we have a volunteer make a spreadsheet of the conference week?
- To include items like 10 minute breaks
- When we'll have WG/IG updates
- When we'll have Lightning Talks
- Timetable for Plenary, group photo, etc.
- Brian has created a draft spreadsheet of overall conference, here:
- Is there anything not on wiki/conference site we're now ready to publish?
- Can we have a volunteer make a spreadsheet of the conference week?
- Workshops:
- Andrew sent mass-email all the workshop presenters, asking them to
- Review their workshop information on the wiki
- Supply a description if missing
- Agree/decline recording
- Confirm am/pm times (hold off for now; reiterate these times not final)
- Ask again about specific needs for dev env (Brian will send along 2-3 clarifying questions)
- Andrew will send follow-up emails 8/29-31 to anyone missing any information on workshops
- Can we confirm am/pm times and room assignments for workshops?
- Rooms have been assigned for all now...can we put room numbers on wiki?
- Brian indicates some rooms are limited to 21; he and Richard think we should hold off on assigning rooms (making them public) til we know which ones are smaller
- Agreed we do not need to raise this issue yet with proposers
- Workshops spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F0R3bWU4rD3LhjOfLIsBQw2mlQXfGwWsSZYdw1NYmOA/edit#gid=624287811
- Utah spreadsheet with information about room capacity/capability:
- Workshop registration
- Brian McBride using Eventbrite for workshop registration
- Updates on workshop registrations? Only 29 workshop registrations so far
- Only 3 have no one signed up for them yet
- Again–later if no one signs up, give them option to offer as unconference session
- Page listing workshops on Samvera wiki: SC18 - Workshops at Samvera Connect
- Spreadsheet with additional information: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1F0R3bWU4rD3LhjOfLIsBQw2mlQXfGwWsSZYdw1NYmOA/edit#gid=624287811
- Andrew sent mass-email all the workshop presenters, asking them to
- Panels & Presentations
- What's missing for subjects or audience in panels etc.?
- Ask committee to review and send in suggestions?
- Recommendations from the committee on additional panels/discussion sections?
- Can we create tracks now (or should we also have people review and send in suggestions)?
- All proposals OK'ed at 8/7 meeting.
- Richard HAS contacted ALL presentation/panel proposers.
- What is needed in follow-up? (send replies and update Waffle board as they come in?)
- Chris volunteered to put all panels and presentations into room/time table...is that available?
- AGREED we will organize panels and presentations into 3 parallel tracks:
- Program committee members will review and move waffleboard issues into the 3 tracks
- Richard noted still 12 panel leaders not yet registered
- Andrew will email them individually week of 9/4
- What's missing for subjects or audience in panels etc.?
- Plenary
- Core plenary content
- State of Samvera Community address–20 minutes
- Samvera Governance–Steering will select and inform us
- Will this also be 20 minutes?
- Other plenary content
All 3 proposals for presentation moved to plenary have been contacted and agreed to do this:
Hyrax Roadmap
Valkyrie: An Introduction and Update
- Avalon Update
- Further thoughts on WG/IG updates at Connect?
- Agreed they should not go in the plenary–no decision yet where they should go
- STILL undecided where WG/IG updates should go...just not as plenary
- AFTER the parallel tracks are sorted we'll circle back to this
- Andrew's suggestion: have 2 sections go together–lightning talks and WG/IG updates–do the latter as identifiable group though
- If we decide to have them, we have to initiate communication with WG/IG leaders confirming they will give updates
- We had one inquiry from Benjamin Armintor wanting to give lightning talk if no WG/IG updates
- Is any other plenary content needed?
- Core plenary content
- CFP for Lightning Talks and other formats (besides unconference)?
- AGREED: Lightning Talks will occur within each of the parallel tracks
- but at DIFFERENT TIMES so people can see them all
- and in SAME LOCATION to make it easier to navigate
- Lightning Talks CFP can go out today–Andrew
- What is anticipated time limit? (some reaction to virtual connect that 5 minutes not long enough)
- SIGN-UP page says "approximately 5 minutes and definitely no more than 7"–that seems fine to me...or extend to 10 minutes?
- Where will Lightning Talks occur in the schedule?
- (see above) what about idea to group Lightning Talks and WG/IG updates?
- We will let people make proposals right up until the time people gave them, but not publicize that in CFP
- We will have a deadline in the CFP–9/28?
- Unconference
- Aaron and Brian have been working on Sessionizer
- When do we think we need that ready?
- Host Committee
- Conference site here: https://connect2018.lib.utah.edu
- Conference registration
- Number of conference registrations so far?
- Posters
- Deadline to submit/upload posters for printing? Wednesday October 3 @ 5:00 pm MST
- Scholarship Committee–update on committee?
- September 6 will be point @ which host committee will know how many scholarships will be available.
- GENERAL conference items
- Defer live-streaming questions again
- Live-streaming (defer discussion to 9/11 meeting)
- Chris Diaz read a paper that came out about individuals doing conference live-streaming and will summarize at our next meeting on 7/17/2018 and posted this paper to our Google Drive
- LPC have live-streamed conferences using cells; they get tripods and mics; and use twitter and periscope for sessions; then upload to youtube
- Chris thinks its very do-able; Richard wonders who pays for cell data? Chris suggesting using a library tablet with wifi; wifi better for bandwidth
- Emily says Periscope will give info on numbers of people
- Chris will follow up with Brian
- Video releases (defer discussion to 9/11 meeting)
- Micah Zeller submitted a baseline release from for workshop & panel presenters; discuss concerns raised by Richard...
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fj6DD7ZzyFOmlO-0aQY39su-fPuB48Vj - Richard: first, drop "project" from document
- Second what about lanyards and people might get accidentally into pictures
- Micah suggested our videos should get releases from just presenters and alert audience members who don't want to be photographed
- Room captains could be given a blurb
- We could also put up 2-3 BIG posters
- Richard suggests asking people handing out lanyards (at registration tables) to point out those posters and tell people sessions will be recorded
- Emily Stenberg has added draft language on recordings (for room captains to communicate at taped sessions) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eGkhtd7jmGruYQgLgj7XuxHqDEJPoM0R?usp=sharing
- Micah Zeller submitted a baseline release from for workshop & panel presenters; discuss concerns raised by Richard...
- Including everybody
- Richard Green initiated a Mentorship Committee (in part to assure no one is isolated at Connect).
- Robin Lindley Ruggaber will head Mentorship Committee
- Andrew will contact Robin when back, 8/29-31
- Richard Green initiated a Mentorship Committee (in part to assure no one is isolated at Connect).
- Tools for organization
- Additional communications/issues upcoming?
- IN EVERY MESSAGE GOING OUT, REMIND PEOPLE OF ALL THE THINGS TO DO (with relevant links): registration, conference proposals, etc.
- Review tools and processes for planning–who is familiar with and/or has admin access to these?
- Daily email for all the info for the day each day of Connect
- Off the normal program–like the photograph, sign lightning talks etc. every morning
- But we need a list of attendee emails
- Richard can write daily email at Connect
- GitHub/Waffle board for organization and tracking of sessions and speakers
- Everyone accept invitations to samvera-connect team, and samvera labs? Anyone not invited who sent in GitHub IDs?
- Aaron has indicated it would be good for everyone to complete a CLA who's on samvera labs...
- https://waffle.io/samvera-labs
- Google drive
- Sessionizer for timetabling unconference sessions
- https://github.com/curationexperts/sessionizer
- Aaron Collier inquired about Sessionizer–any updates?
- Additional communications/issues upcoming?
ACTION: Andrew will email program committee members, asking to sort proposals in waffleboard into 3 parallel tracks
ACTION: Andrew will contact Robin when back, 8/29-31, re: Mentorship Committee
ACTION: Andrew will email committee asking members offline to look over panels to see what's missing, develop tracks
ACTION: a volunteer will draft spreadsheet of overall conference schedule - LONGER-TERM ACTION STEPS:
ACTION: arrange for video release items (posters informing people, copy to room captains, finalize release forms)
, multiple selections available,