2018-05-01 Program Committee
2018-05-01 Program Committee
Connection Info:
- Join from PC, Mac: Skype for Business Join online meeting
- Aaron Collier (Stanford)
- Chris Diaz (Northwestern)
- Hannah Frost (Stanford)
- Brian McBride (Utah–host committee)
- Margaret Mellinger (Oregon State)
- Jennifer Moore (WUSTL)
- John H. Robinson, IV (UCSD)
- arouner (WUSTL)
- Emily Stenberg (WUSTL)
- David Wilcox (DuraSpace)
- Richard Green (Steering)
- Welcome
- Volunteer for note taker _______ ? facilitator arouner
- Additions/changes to agenda?
- Scheduling future meetings
- Change next meeting (scheduled for June 5) to not conflict with Open Repositories (June 4-7, 2018)
- New date for June meeting:
- Dates for additional meeting frequency (starting July) as we near the Connect
- Additional dates for July +
- Committee members known time-off or missing for future meetings (can write in after meeting)
- Change next meeting (scheduled for June 5) to not conflict with Open Repositories (June 4-7, 2018)
- Review/confirm conference schedule by days: additions or corrections?
- Monday - partner meeting
- Tuesday - workshops
- Wednesday - Main Conference Day 1
- Thursday - Main Conference Day 2
- Friday - Unconference
- Facilities / Rooms available for conference - info provided by host committee
- Review communication timeline
- Andrew has/will update to adjust to target of earlier Connect
- Review and discuss workshop proposals:
Carolyn Cole (cam156@psu.edu) – Rails Testing Featuring RailsBridge (half-day workshop)
- Nabeela Jaffer () – Managing Samvera-based Projects and Services
- Esmé Cowles () & Adam Wead () – Introduction to Valkyrie (half-day workshop)
- Chris Colvard () – Enhanced media playback in a Hyrax app using Avalon components (half-day workshop)
- Lynette Rayle -- Collection extensions workshop
- Rob Kaufman () – several possible workshops:
Keeping your Samvera application up to date ~ we'd talk through upgrade strategies, workflows, best practices and common pitfalls
- Samvera as an API ~ discuss tools and capabilities for building external interfaces (React apps, mobile apps) that use Samvera as an API and data source
- Rails Features ~ 5.2 is almost out, and 5.3 or 6 preview will be out by the time the conference comes around (this is similar, but updated from out 2017 workshop)
- Real world TDD ~ A look at test driven development with Rspec, with an eye toward the balance between best practices and what is really practical
- Soliciting and commissioning content (see Suggestions for Samvera Connect 2017 Program)
- Review tools and processes for planning–who is familiar with and/or has admin access to these?
- Waffle board for organization and tracking of sessions and speakers
- Google drive
- Chris volunteered to clean up?
- Link: program planning and structure of past Connect conferences
- Sessionizer for timetabling unconference sessions
- https://github.com/curationexperts/sessionizer
- Script run (originally created by Peter Binkley) to scrape wiki and put into GitHub repo (above)
- Aaron Collier will check with Justin Coyne and Erin Fahy about sessionizer use and scripts.
- Slack channel?
- Review of past Connects
- Useful documents from last year
- program planning and structure of past Connect conferences
- Feedback from past Connects (documents in Drive) - Q&A
- Next steps
- Solicit proposals for panels
- What else needs to be done next?
Meeting Notes
- Welcome
- Volunteer for note taker: Chris Diaz; facilitator: arouner
- Additions/changes to agenda?
- Scheduling future meetings
- Change next meeting (scheduled for June 5) to not conflict with Open Repositories (June 4-7, 2018)
- New date for June meeting: June 12th, same time
- Dates for additional meeting frequency (starting July) as we near the Connect
- Additional dates for July + (twice per month)
- Committee members known time-off or missing for future meetings (can write in after meeting)
- Change next meeting (scheduled for June 5) to not conflict with Open Repositories (June 4-7, 2018)
- Review/confirm conference schedule by days: additions or corrections?
- Monday - partner meeting
- Tuesday - workshops
- Wednesday - Main Conference Day 1
- Thursday - Main Conference Day 2
- Friday - Unconference
- Facilities / Rooms available for conference - info provided by host committee
- Review communication timeline
- Andrew has/will update to adjust to target of earlier Connect
- Review and discuss workshop proposals: all of the workshop proposals look great; however, we ought to solicit workshops for metadata librarians and new adopters. We should also make an effort to have a non-technical introduction to Valkyrie.
Carolyn Cole (cam156 at psu.edu) – Rails Testing Featuring RailsBridge (half-day workshop)
- Nabeela Jaffer () – Managing Samvera-based Projects and Services (length?)
- Esmé Cowles () & Adam Wead () – Introduction to Valkyrie (half-day workshop)
- Chris Colvard (cjcolvar at indiana.edu) – Enhanced media playback in a Hyrax app using Avalon components (half-day workshop)
- E. Lynette Rayle (elr37 at cornell.edu) - Collection Extensions Workshop (length?)
- David Wilcox (dwilcox at duraspace.org) - Fedora Workshop (length?)
- Richard Green - Intro to Samvera (length?)
- Rob Kaufman () – several possible workshops:
Keeping your Samvera application up to date ~ we'd talk through upgrade strategies, workflows, best practices and common pitfalls [first choice of committee]
- Samvera as an API ~ discuss tools and capabilities for building external interfaces (React apps, mobile apps) that use Samvera as an API and data source [second choice of committee]
- Rails Features ~ 5.2 is almost out, and 5.3 or 6 preview will be out by the time the conference comes around (this is similar, but updated from out 2017 workshop)
- Real world TDD ~ A look at test driven development with Rspec, with an eye toward the balance between best practices and what is really practical
- Soliciting and commissioning content (see Suggestions for Samvera Connect 2017 Program)
- Review tools and processes for planning–who is familiar with and/or has admin access to these?
- Waffle board for organization and tracking of sessions and speakers
- Google drive
- Available here
- Link: program planning and structure of past Connect conferences
- Sessionizer for timetabling unconference sessions
- https://github.com/curationexperts/sessionizer
- Script run (originally created by Peter Binkley) to scrape wiki and put into GitHub repo (above)
- Slack channel?
- #samvera-connect (private channel)
- Review of past Connects
- Useful documents from last year
- program planning and structure of past Connect conferences
- Feedback from past Connects (documents in Drive) - Q&A
- Next steps
- Solicit proposals for panels
- What else needs to be done next?
, multiple selections available,