MODS and RDF: UCSB Application Profile
The original email sent by Justin Coyne was the following:
To those interested in Importing MODS and persisting as RDF, we've worked with UCSB to have a go at this for some of their Images. We based this work on OregonDigital but we extended it quite a bit to support MODS elements that OregonDigital doesn't. I don't think this will work for every MODS file, nor for every data model (see metadata.rb for ours), but it might be a good place to start. Some of this code depends on UCSB specific tags for linking to images in <mods:extension>You start the script by giving it a directory that has a bunch of MODS files and a directory with corresponding image files. For example:
script/import_mods_records ../mods_demo_set ../images/spc-flying-aThe script works by parsing the MODS file into an in-memory Hash representation, then sending this to the appropriate ObjectFactory (either CollectionFactory or ImageFactory) which creates the objects.
Here's links to some of the code:
Most of their mappings are in the metadata.rb files in the list above. For example, "accession_number" is mapped to "". There are a bunch of mappings to the "OARGUN" vocabulary which essentially uses that same and comes from the following gem:
I have run the import script that Justin mentioned in his email. The "before" XML files are located at: The output of these sample records can be seen at: (The namespace definitions are in a file in the root of the zip ... UPDATE: dates added and a namespace for those added to the root).
There is an additional email of note in the past that talks about how approximate date ranges were handled. That email is essentially:
CIDOC CRM properties:We chose to go with the Europeana Data Model and added predicates from CIDOC CRM (end_is_qualified_by, beginning_is_qualified_by)Here's some code: