MODS and RDF Call 2016-11-14
MODS and RDF Call 2016-11-14
Time: 9am PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)
Homework Reminder:
Moderator: sanderson (Boston Public Library)
Primary Notetaker: Eben English (etherpad link: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/RDF-MODS-20161114)
sanderson (BPL)
Conversion Code Update
No updates yet; waiting on final mappings of several elements
series, subseries, collection, institution Individual Institution Usage And RDF Conversion discussion
Review of institutional mappings
- Still looking for alternatives to bf:seriesStatement, which it seems like is being used incorrectly (more for commercial series than archival series)
- Would be open to using opaquenamespace predicate for archival series
- using bf:partOf for collection, but would be open to using dcterms:isPartOf instead
- Columbia
- No updates from last meeting.
- Using dcterms:isPartOf for collection
- Archives Hub may have some info on handling series?
- RDA has "is subseries of" predicate (http://www.rdaregistry.info/Elements/u/#P60192), could be used for commercial series?
- For commercial series numbering, both RDA and Bibframe have predicates to handle this.
- Indiana
- dcterms:relation for archival series
- does not accept literal as range, would need to use dc:relation for literal values
- dcterms:isPartOf for collection
- not using subseries (or haven't found example yet)
- dcterms:relation for archival series
- Amherst
- No use of series or subseries
- using dcterms:isPartOf for collection (will mint URIs for collections)
- Bibframe for commercial series: bf:seriesStatement, bf:seriesEnumeration, bf:hasSeries
- Bibframe documentation is confusing regarding series – MARC mapping doesn't work well with item-level records for concept of archival series
- NYPL: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CcYUi0o3MErlltiUjbPF6HqRQcL0i80G9Xn7hjgYIv0/edit?usp=sharing
- could we use this (pcdm:isMemberOf) for both series and collection?
- would use the type of the object being associated (collection, series) to determine nature of relationship
- this would be less helpful in a metadata-sharing environment
- could we use this (pcdm:isMemberOf) for both series and collection?
- Further investigation needed
- bf:seriesOf, bf:subseriesOf – these may be usable, but further research needed
- Existing examples of Bibframe in the wild?
- Next steps
- Steven will come up with a collaboration document describing 2 different options for further discussion:
- generic-predicate-with-typed-objects
- series-specific-predicates
- Steven will come up with a collaboration document describing 2 different options for further discussion:
- part, extension, and recordInfo collaboration document review
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/103__DdqlTPMXFsANLtEhQpRUbphnL3oeQoOcPygF2GU/edit?usp=sharing
- No comments or corrections
- We can remove mapping for <mods:part> (Indiana had only example of this, they are OK removing it since it is very institution-specific).
Next meeting: Monday November 28th at 9:00 AM PST / Noon EST
- Homework: go back through collaboration documents, find unresolved issues
- Homework: go back through collaboration documents, find unresolved issues
, multiple selections available,