MODS and RDF Call 2016-12-12

MODS and RDF Call 2016-12-12

Time: 9am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)

Homework Reminder: 

  • Is there a good class for the concept of "Series" and "Subseries"?

Moderator: Steven Anderson (Boston Public Library)

Primary Notetaker: TBA (etherpad link: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/RDF-MODS-20161212)



  1. Conversion Code Update

    1. Standing agenda item - no updates as development unlikely to resume until after all mappings are complete.

  2. Series, subseries, collection, institution collaboration document further review (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19sjUN5oMsGHAVsBaZ-gncePuWPNPi7t5eOtxM5Sqml0/edit?usp=sharing)

    1. Indiana usecase

      1. Per feedback from Indiana, 4th tab on spreadsheet --> "simple" option
        This uses Bibframe series and subseries statements - useful for string literals (if that's all an institution wants to store)
        Simple mappings only go 2 levels deep for Series statements
      2. Indiana notes - use of hosts may not apply for collections. Steven notes, could override this at the application level.
      3. Example #17 is the most robust/complex examples for all scenarios.

    2. skos:prefLabel vs rdfs:label vs dcterms:title

      1. For collection objects, what should be the primary label for them? Is there a preferred or established predicate for these?
        1. For Avalon 6, https://github.com/avalonmediasystem/avalon/issues/1108 - dcterms:title for collection name (used as Title for a collection object)
      2. Do we have instances for alternate/multiple titles?
        1. BPL notes only having one physical collection, but an object could be part of multiple digital collections

        2. Collection names change over time

      3. Should we have a poll for these options?
        1.  Option 1: RDFS label
           Option 2 : SKOS prefLabel
           Option 3: dcterms:title
           Option 4: re-use existing mapping for mods:title (but note, this could be more complex than needed for collection objects)

    3. Series and Subseries class?
      1. No one had time to investigate
      2. Add a blank text field to voting to request inputs on Series objects
    4. Overall voting options for the mappings
      1.  Option 1: PCDM for most relationships (Fedora); infer from class
         Option 2: Predicates to indicate series or collection- custom opaque predicate
         Option 3: bibframe hasSeries predicate (but we don't quite fit per the definition)
         Simple (not voted on): keep collections as repository relationships + Series information as strings
  3. Other Collaboration Document discussion

    1. Julie: Avalon is making use of the documents to work through mapping MODS to RDF for Avalon's move to Fedora 4 (notes is very useful)
      1. Steven requests: please report any issues

      2. Julie notes: when mapping Identifiers to import from, need to use OCLC identifier but this isn't part of the mapping we've provided

        1. Steven will add OCLC identifiers to the agenda of the next meeting

  4. Homework

    1. Poll for options and labels as noted above; class for the concept of Series

    2. Indiana - send example with OCLC identifiers

  5. Next meeting: Monday January 9th at 9:00 AM PST / Noon EST