MODS and RDF Call 2017-05-01
MODS and RDF Call 2017-05-01
Time: 9am PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)
Homework: Collaboration document spreadsheet clean-up (sign up as Reviewer)
Moderator: Eben English
Primary Notetaker: Juliet Hardesty (Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/MODS_and_RDF_Call_2017-05-01)
- Eben English (BPL)
- Danny Pucci (BPL)
- Juliet Hardesty (Indiana)
- Jennifer Liss (Indiana)
- soriordan (Emory)
- Emily Porter (Emory)
- Johanna Radding (Amherst)
- ksgerrity (Amherst)
- Final documentation
- White paper
- filled in major sections, pulled from charter doc and work that has occurred; methodology of homework and collab docs; summarize people and institutions that have been involved
- still need links to final documentation/mappings
- highlights - indicate placeholder text and questions to answer
- send out whole thing for community feedback? YES
- Hyrax Metadata Profile discussion could also provide input
- Everyone - review and comment for next meeting, May 15
- everyone has edit capability but can also comment
- Status of Conversion Code web app (Eben)
- mods2rdf.xyz is back up
- can't upload XML document (returns error) so not usable yet
- code on Github hasn't been updated since June 2016
- elements mapped in code - title, abstract, genre, TOC, note, and subject
- later revisions to any of those elements not reflected yet
- not ready for primetime yet, probably won't be before documentation ready for review
- someone needs to take ownership but maybe better to have documentation finalized first
- might work to ask if Hydra community wants to create working group
- possibly only simple mappings (so local object creation doesn't happen) - but baseline functionality would be helpful as example for insitutions that need more complex mapping
- could also work as tool for migrating to Hyrax?
- this should wait until mapping/docs are more final
Collaboration Documents
- clean-up status of spreadsheets
- lots of agreement to review documents
- Note - Danny agrees to review for next time
- Related Item - skipping for now
- Location - no one reviewing yet
- Part - not mapped
- Access Condition – Simon
- cleaned up namespaces but no questions
- updating status to Reviewed - prompt for others to take a look (2nd review)
- if namespace isn't being used, can it be removed? Yes
- Title - Juliet Hardesty will review
- Name - Juliet Hardesty will review
- Type of Resource - Juliet Hardesty will review
- Genre – Eben - reviewed
- use of MARC genre terms - at time of doc, these weren't LD vocab; should conversion code attempt to map to something other vocab?
- MARC genre terms are now LD vocab so not a problem anymore
- Origin Info – Eben - reviewed
- BF frequency with string literal but BF 2.0 only accepts BF Frequency class object
- alternative to use - rdaregistry or modsrdf are options
- is BF 1.0 still usable? it is replaced by BF2.0 according to BF FAQ, so maybe BF1.0 is not an option any longer
- frequency is bibliographic-specific thing - modsrdf is also draft ontology; rdaregistry is a bit more robust and mature of all options and actually published
- BF edition in BF2.0 is based around classification scheme, not edition of work - editionStatement is for work and takes literal
- Language - Eben – reviewed
- Physical Description – Jennifer - reviewed
- note about supporting unit in MODS, decided to let this go and not map (later in MODS 3.5)
- just maps as literal
- potentially need new predicates for digitalOrigin and extent - probably need to pursue this with opaquenamespace but could also talk to Ryan Wick with URI Selection Working Group
- maybe get all documentation together with full list of predicates needed and then talk to URI Selection WG first to see if they have process yet
- new column in spreadsheet to note new predicates needed
- Abstract - Jennifer – reviewed
- TOC - Jennifer – reviewed
- if value is URI, does predicate need to be different? no, but app developer would have to know to detect for URI or text
- Target audience - Danny – reviewed
- wasn't finished when reviewed
- LOC source for values
- also want to have ability to create new terms for target audience if LOC vocab doesn't cover it - have to create new Class; added this to example
- few use cases for this element
- items with minted objects - check that we're using skos:prefLabel consistently
- Subject - assigned to soriordan
- Record Info - assigned to Eben English
- saving rest for next meeting
- organization (single spreadsheet with tabs or multiple spreadsheets)
- clean-up status of spreadsheets
- White paper
MODS Individual Mappings for Other Related Item Cases
- Emory still discussing internally
- Indiana has no updates
- need better MODS examples for this; Emory added examples but they might be only ones with this need
- keep on agenda for next time
- <Add Other Topics Here>
Next meeting: Monday May 15 at 9:00 AM PST / Noon EST
, multiple selections available,