MODS and RDF Call: 2018-04-02
MODS and RDF Call: 2018-04-02
Time: 9 AM PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)
Homework: White paper comments and Collaboration document spreadsheet clean-up
Moderator: Eben English
Primary notetaker: Emily Porter (Etherpad link: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/MODS_and_RDF_Call__2018-04-02)
Agenda with meeting notes:
- Review final documentation
- White paper: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ffCyIirUkESLefBehafbacsLb_Rq7KJbTxxeoQCyLpw/edit#
- Action items from last time:
- Outstanding & New
- Review all sections and be prepared to address any open comments from the document (all reviewers).
- Mapping issues
- opaque vs. modsrdf
- Monitor potential to mint predicates through Samvera URI WG (all)
- form for submitting requests: https://github.com/samvera-labs/uri_selection_wg
- opaque vs. modsrdf
- Update namespaces table after mappings are all copied over (Emily)
- Meeting notes for 1.a , 1.b and 1.c:
- Julie reviewed use of opaque namespace and noted that we have removed all instances of MODS RDF as well.
- Discussed updating the WG charter names to indicate more recent organizations/members are included, using the recent email distribution list.
- A number of open comments were resolved.
- For consistency we will move poll history indications from comments into inline links in the document.
- Opted to use rdau for extent instead of opaque namespace (rdau allows for a literal).
- Looked some draft VRA accession number predicates found on the LOV resource, but they were unofficial. Also looked at a new bib frame subclass for accessionNumber, but that would only assist us with the minted object option so we opted to stick with a new minted predicate.
- For barcode type identifiers, we will stick with minting a new predicate vs. merging this into local identifier from LC Identifiers scheme, because our anticipated usage of "local" is already somewhat overloaded.
- For record origin, group decided to use bibframe derivedFrom, which appears to accept a literal value. Group will modify the document and examples to reflect this.
- Also opted to remain with a new minted predicate for Bibliographic Series (vs. the purl ontology).
- Emily updated the namespaces table (MADS RDF was removed). Another review should be done to make sure we are using consistent prefixes.
- Style-related issues
- Update TOC to remove links to examples
- headings for elements consistent
- remove 'curly' quotation marks
- XML elements with long attribute value lists – spacing, indentation, etc.
- Community Review
- email announcement: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/samvera/Final+Documentation%253A+Community+Review
- feedback form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdrLKOhSwq8ZD_zDdXKjvB_mg_zXW3k6Fa9umOEcvgrwPJLFQ/viewform
- Meeting notes - suggestions to the form:
- Adjust to a 3 point Likert scale, except for the "how likely are you to use this" section. For that, an even number (4) is recommended to prompt a more decisive response.
- Move the document structure and presentation questions to the end
- In the submission acknowledgement, invite people to comment directly on the document as well (include link)
- Enable form submitters to edit their responses
- Meeting notes - suggestions to the form:
- Outstanding & New
- Action items from last time:
- White paper: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ffCyIirUkESLefBehafbacsLb_Rq7KJbTxxeoQCyLpw/edit#
- New Action Items from 4/2
- Spot-check namespaces abbreviations used in documentation (Emily, all mappers)
- Update wiki and white paper to include recent participants (using the email contact list) and their organizations
- Add links to surveys/polls conducted inline in the white paper where available (Eben)
- Update recordOrigin mappings to use bibframe option (Eben)
- Review Series examples for complexity (all)
- Review style cleanup needs (all)
- Change curly to straight quotes (Julie)
- Delete extra example heading depths from Table of Contents in white paper (Julie)
- Next meeting:
- Monday April 16 is Patriots Day (BPL closed)
- Monday April 16 is Patriots Day (BPL closed)
, multiple selections available,