MODS and RDF Call: 2018-05-14

MODS and RDF Call: 2018-05-14

Time: 9 AM PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info:  712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)


Moderator: Eben English

Notetaker: Julie Hardesty (Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/MODS_and_RDF_Call__2018-05-14)


  • Eben English (BPL)
  • Danny Pucci (BPL)
  • Julie Hardesty (Indiana)
  • Melanie Wacker (Columbia)

Agenda (with notes)

  1. Feedback Form
    1. Add final link to the white paper (Still outstanding)
      1. intro
      2. post-submission message

  2. White paper
    1. <mods:relatedItem> Minted Object Mapping - Julie review and provide comments on complexity and examples for next meeting
      1. Review Series examples for complexity?
        1. Julie suggested using bf:hasSeries for both commercial/bibliographic and archival series relationships
          1. bf:hasSeries is defined specifically for commercial series and probably should not be used for archival series
          2. could add github issue to bibframe to change definiton of bf:hasSeries to include more than just commercial
          3. for now stick with opaque:memberOfArchivalSeries property until that happens
    2. Spot check namespace abbreviations throughout white paper
      1. DONE
      2. We should encourage people to double-check this during final group review (see below)
    3. Link checking
      1. Reviewed; one outstanding comment about opaquenamespace URL in namespaces list
        1. Additional contextual info about opaquenamespace added to 'Analysis Process' section
        2. Comment in namespace list indicating provisional status of URL for opaquenamespace
    4. Other outstanding comments
      1. All resolved

  3. Finalizing document
    1. Group review
      1. Send out a message to everyone in the group, asking for a final check
        1. Eben will send this out
        2. Feedback requested by end of day on Friday 5/18
    2. Any further review before making available for comment?
      1. Possibly a "pilot group" for initial review, such as Samvera Metadata Interest Group?
        1. Julie will send this out to SMIG on Monday 5/21
        2. Hopefully will be discussed at 5/22 SMIG meeting

  4. Next meeting:
    1. Monday 5/28 is a holiday
    2. Monday June 11 selected as next meeting date.