MODS and RDF Call 2017-10-30

MODS and RDF Call 2017-10-30

Time: 9am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info:  712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)

Homework:  White paper comments and Collaboration document spreadsheet clean-up 

ModeratorJuliet Hardesty

Primary Notetaker: ksgerrity (Etherpad Link: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/MODS_and_RDF_Call_2017-10-30)


    * Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
    * Danny Pucci (BPL)
    * Simon O'Riordan (Emory University)
    * Jennifer Liss (Indiana University)
    * Kate Gerrity (Amherst College)
    * Johanna Radding (Amherst College)


  1. Deciding how to format/host the final documentation
    1. Helping people through (or around) Complex options in recommendations

    Further discussion about the need to include a solid explanation about simple vs. complex options and implications of using the latter in terms of complexity and maintenance. Julie suggested this could be something tackled by small group at Samvera Connect. No one else on call will be at Samvera Connect so she'll look at attendee list and try to find others who have been part of this group to draft for a working meeting.

  2. Cleaning up white paper with links to final documentation

    This can also be discussed in person at Samvera Connect.

  3. String format for multiple names.

    Expressing name order was determined to be important but there is no existing predicate to handle this. Have to use opaque:nameOrder. Name order is complicated! Can't easily express with just RDF statements. See Julie's update to line 29 of both simple and complex options at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ta3pJB-ZGD8J88SrcC7Hr-Ox0BHNFKh5jwc0EXDKLUY/edit#gid=1038887308 May be other ways to manage this in a Fedora system. Decided use of opaque:nameOrder will suffice.

  4. Focused time to meet at Samvera Connect - http://connect2017.samvera.org/sessions/105

  5. Also discussed how we want to get the word out when work and documentation are complete and best channel for taking feedback. Shoot for completion/release in December. Distribute/outreach via ALA, LITA, other?

Next meeting Monday, November 13th

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