MODS and RDF Call 2016-08-22
Time: 9am PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)
Homework Reminder:
Review of old collaboration pages: Previous MODS to RDF mappings reflection and feedback
- Voting in held location and shelf location:
Moderator: Steven Anderson (Boston Public Library)
Primary Notetaker: TBA (etherpad link:
sanderson (BPL)
Juliet Hardesty (Indiana University)
Jennifer Liss (Indiana University)
Melanie Wacker (Columbia)
Eric O'Hanlon (Columbia)
soriordan (Emory University)
Danny Pucci (BPL)
Conversion Code Update
No major updates
Collaboration Documents Review Discussion
Emory findings
voted for first option for both shelf mark and holding info
question on accession numbers - is there predicate for that? nothing found so this one might be covered by Hydra Vocab Manager to mint new predicate
notes - fine with note types but interested in collaborating to have similar note types across institutions
frequency and extent - found some things in RDA but can be discussed later
name question - is complex use case only one with affiliation? simple can use affiliation but complex has more options (need to rename tabs since this case isn't either/or but complex is expansion on simple)
Emory can post note types to start discussion (Columbia interested) - will add to Emory mapping review document
Columbia updates
added RDA title mapping
doesn't contain non-sort option but MADS RDF does
MADS RDF for subjects - what was the problem with subjects? trying to avoid minting and see if MADS RDF could cover the cases we show that involve minting URIs
BPL - will send out larger voting document to answer open questions; originInfo spreadsheet - Advanced tab has opaque:origination, should we use bf:ProvisionActivity instead? no issues brought up to not go this route so will change this unless issues are brought up
Holding location and shelf location voting results and discussion
still not much response from broader community (survey linked on wiki agenda)
shelf location preference is Option 1 (bf:physicalLocation with text string)
holding location preference tied between Options 1 (bf:heldBy) and 4 (relator:own)
relator:own being used by BPL and Emory to specify owner of item vs. holder of item so they prefer bf:heldBy
going with Option 1 for holding location (bf:heldBy)
Hydra Connect 2016 Breakout Session
Hydra Connect 2016: Presentations, panels and breakouts#Wednesday-paralleltracks
schedule available, Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2:10-3:10pm
explain decisions, show conversion code
Julie Hardesty (Indiana) can help as soon as travel is approved
discuss ways that insitutions on committee will implement
maybe show work comparing EBUCore and MODS mapping for Avalon question
Next MODS element assignment
Next meeting: Monday September 19th at 9:00 AM PST / Noon EST.
Due to Labor Day Holiday on Sept. 5, next meeting: Monday September 19th at 9:00 AM PST / Noon EST.
Columbia verifying field use for bf:ProvisionActivity
Send any additional issues that come up with collaboration docs to Steven Anderson