MODS and RDF Call 2017-03-20

MODS and RDF Call 2017-03-20

Time: 9am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)

Homework: None!

Moderator: Steven Anderson (Boston Public Library)

Primary Notetaker: Eben English (etherpad link: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/RDF-MODS-20170320)



  1. Future of this group

    1. Steven is leaving BPL, so we need someone to take over as facilitator
      1. No volunteers
    2. What is left to do? What are future activities?
      1. Still some work to do on mappings
      2. Documentation
        1. This is close to being done, but needs some additional work
        2. Collaboration document spreadsheets are all linked from main group page
          1. Keep as Google Sheets for now
          2. Steven will transfer ownership of these, invite all to collaborate as editors
        3. Need more context for examples?
        4. Example of full MODS XML document to RDF
        5. Sharing of documentation for review by larger community
      3. Working with URI Selection Working Group
        1. Get predicates minted where needed
        2. Update documentation with actual minted predicates
      4. Solicit feedback, revise as needed
      5. Provide updates to community on implementation process
      6. Answer questions as needed
      7. Further work on conversion code
        1. We should prioritize mappings and documentation over code
    3. Meeting schedule
      1. Keep as bi-weekly for now, could move to monthly down the road
    4. Facilitation
      1. We will try a rotating facilitator format, similar to the Hydra partner calls
      2. Members will volunteer to facilitate next meeting at conclusion of current meeting
    5. Merge with an existing Hydra metadata group?
      1. Descriptive Metadata Working Group is no longer meeting
      2. Metadata Interest Group is not a good place/forum for the types of detailed discussions needed in this group

  2. Emory University Mapping Questions
    1. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jhguUHc4ZbzhOwCvLppReepMu4pW3aNIdAkGQs4xA60/edit#gid=0
    2. relatedItem[type="host"] - 2 use cases not previously discussed for MODS relatedItem
      1. Also used for article’s parent journal title, a presentation’s parent conference proceedings title, etc.
      2. What should be used for this?
      3. bf:seriesStatement a possibility
      4. Need examples from MODS
      5. This will be homework for next meeting
    3. class for <mods:note> minted objects?
      1. should be bf:Note
      2. Steven still needs to update documentation to include the object classes we agreed upon at the last meeting.
    4. <mods:location><mods:url>
      1. for object-in-context, preview/thumbnail
      2. not in collaboration documents
      3. we reviewed these as part of our <mods:location> discussions
      4. they never got added to collab documents
      5. Steven will go back and add these.
    5. <mods:part>
      1. We generally agreed that usage of this element was too varied to support
      2. What are use cases for members? Need MODS examples.
      3. BIBFRAME has bf:part and bf:partOf predicates, both of which have a range of literal.

  3. Conversion Code Update

    1. No further work on this likely before Steven departs BPL
    2. mods2rdf.xyz domain and VM running site are up for grabs
    3. contact Steven if you want to take over this
    4. code is on GitHub: https://github.com/boston-library/mods2rdf

  4. Other items

    1. Recording of webinar demo of Avalon MODS-to-RDF work is available.
      1. Juliet Hardesty is there a link to this somewhere?
    2. Hearty thanks to sanderson for all his efforts bringing this group together and managing the process! We'll miss you!

  5. Next meeting: Monday April 3rd at 9:00 AM PST / Noon EST

    1. Julie Hardesty will be facilitator