MODS and RDF Call 2015-12-14
MODS and RDF Call 2015-12-14
Time: 9am PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)
Homework Reminder:
Individual Mappings of OriginInfo Other Elements: OriginInfo Other Elements Individual Institution Usage And RDF Conversion
Moderator: Steven Anderson (Boston Public Library)
Primary Notetaker: TBA (etherpad link: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/RDF-MODS-20151214)
- Conversion Code Update
- Still being worked on. Stephen will hopefully have many new updates by next meeting, Jan. 11.
- Still being worked on. Stephen will hopefully have many new updates by next meeting, Jan. 11.
- MODS OriginInfo Other Elements individual institution.
- Currently only BPL has mapping homework completed, so we will likely review after holidays at next meeting.
- BPL: concept of 'origination' element in opaque namespace that resolves to custom minted resolutions -- supports use cases of multiple publishers or multiple publication events.
- BPL: Not supporting issuance, supporting a single frequency instance outside of origination instances.
- Question about keeping date within origination instance. One reason to not include in origination is ease of access to date elements from downstream consumers.
- Question about possibility of keeping date in both places, but this still makes it harder to manage multiple instances of same date.
- Question -- does this this follow BIBFRAME pattern?
- A: BF has Publication property that is similar, but ranges of properties on Publication are much more granular. EBUCore also has something similar with events.
- Question about EBUCore.
- A: For time-based media. Offers some interesting options for complex publication events that occur in production of time-based media. Rebecca offered to take a look at using EBUCore properties for our OriginInfo mapping
- A: For time-based media. Offers some interesting options for complex publication events that occur in production of time-based media. Rebecca offered to take a look at using EBUCore properties for our OriginInfo mapping
- Next element assignment
- Those who haven't done mappings can complete their mappings or supply example records to see if options on the table will work for a range of use cases. Consider this issue of putting date as a property on the item or on the origination/publication event.
- Mapping for Language element
- Next meeting: Monday January 11th, 12:00 PM EST