MODS and RDF Call 2017-04-03

MODS and RDF Call 2017-04-03

Time: 9am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)

Homework:  MODS Individual Mappings for Other Related Item Cases

Moderator: Julie Hardesty (Indiana University) / Emily Porter (Emory University)

Primary Notetaker: ??? (etherpad link: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/RDF-MODS-20170403)



  1. Review of final documentation page to figure out any gaps

    1. Possible starting points/outline

    2. Conversion code
      1. Discussed conversion code as being out of scope from the original charge.
      2. Eben will investigate the current status of the code and report back (seems to have been last modified in June 2016).
    3. Agreed to keep some sections as a white paper type document, which could be shared broadly in a PDF, etc. but the outcomes and mappings should stay on the wiki
    4. Emily will work on fleshing out the Background, Scope, Methods sections and will coordinate on an overview for the Outcomes section
    5. Detailed collaboration page:  Collaboration Documents

      1. Almost complete and will be complete tonight
      2. Eben has the email login for the collaboration documents
      3. Recommend review of this for any gaps. Additionally, someone may want to create a few "full examples"
      4. Hydra MODS to RDF WG Documentation Review: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jhguUHc4ZbzhOwCvLppReepMu4pW3aNIdAkGQs4xA60/edit#gid=0
      5. This Google spreadsheet is an internal document noting the status of the high-level MODS elements and what's been worked on by the group
      6. Julie will take Title, Name, and Type of Resource to clean up collaboration documents
      7. Eben will take TK
      8. Everyone sign up (indicate on spreadsheet) to review/clean-up elements

  2. Discussion of homework ( MODS Individual Mappings for Other Related Item Cases)

    1. Emory has other use cases: type=host to relate article back to parent journal or book chapter back to parent book
    2. have extracted piece of larger work but will not have a Fedora object representing that larger work
    3. We have other needs for/use of Series, and this is a different type of relationship
    4. dc:source (DC Elements) is best option to use for string values; no property identified so far can give a more precise connection as a parent work than source without requiring an object with a URI
    5. looking at PRISM ontology (http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/basic/2.0/)and bibo to describe parts of the individual published piece (start and end pages, volume, number, etc.)
    6. @type="other version" is related link to say article is also available at publishers website (will discuss at a future call)
  3. Next meeting: Monday May 1 at 9:00 AM PST / Noon EST

    1. Will discuss remaining/additional relatedItem use cases

    2. Eben will be moderator.