MODS and RDF Call: 2018-04-30
MODS and RDF Call: 2018-04-30
Time: 9 AM PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)
Moderator: Eben English
Notetaker: Emily Porter (Etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/MODS_and_RDF_Call__2018-04-30)
- Eben English (BPL)
- Emily Porter (Emory)
- soriordan (Emory)
- Danny Pucci (BPL)
Agenda (with notes)
- Adjust to a 3 point Likert scale, except for the "how likely are you to use this" section. For that, an even number (4) is recommended to prompt a more decisive response. DONE
- Move the document structure and presentation questions to the end. DONE
- In the submission acknowledgement, invite people to comment directly on the document as well (include link)
- This has been added, but we will need to be updated with the final link to the white paper
- Enable form submitters to edit their responses. DONE
- Eben added Julie and Emily as editors to the form
- White paper
- Update wiki and white paper to include recent participants (using the email contact list) and their organizations. DONE
- Spellcheck
- Eben will do this
- Link checking
- Danny will do this.
- Reviewed; one outstanding comment about opaquenamespace URL in namespaces list
- Finalizing document
- Group review
- We should send out a message to everyone in the group, asking for a final check
- Any further review before making available for comment?
- Possibly a "pilot group" for initial review, such as Samvera Metadata Interest Group?
- Possibly a "pilot group" for initial review, such as Samvera Metadata Interest Group?
- Group review
- Next meeting:
- Monday May 14, 12 PM EDT
, multiple selections available,