MODS and RDF Call 2016-05-02
MODS and RDF Call 2016-05-02
Time: 9am PDT / Noon EDT
Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)
Homework Reminder:
Subject Individual Mappings: Subject Individual Institution Usage And RDF Conversion
Moderator: Steven Anderson (Boston Public Library)
Primary Notetaker: TBA (etherpad link: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/RDF-MODS-20160502)
- sanderson (BPL)
- Eben English (BPL)
- sonoe (UNC-CH)
- Moira Downey (Deactivated) (UNC-CH)
- Melanie Wacker (Columbia University)
- Danny Pucci (BPL)
- Sara Rubinow (NYPL)
- ksgerrity (Amherst College)
- Rebecca Fraimow (WGBH)
- Introductions
- Conversion Code Update / Notes Testing
- Curation Concerns code up and running at: http://mods2rdf.xyz/
- However, while the uploader (http://mods2rdf.xyz/uploads) works for title locally, it fails on the server. Still debugging that but should be up by the end of the day to see some limited conversion functionality.
- Steps for usage:
- Create an account on the site
- Go to http://mods2rdf.xyz/uploads and upload a MODS XML document.
- To view the end result, you can do a normal search (but currently on uses fields CurationConcerns knows about). Otherwise, to view in fedora, the credentials are:
- username: darthvader
- password: tapdancing
- Still working on testing performance of storing strings vs. minting objects
- Email Steven with any questions
- Curation Concerns code up and running at: http://mods2rdf.xyz/
- Concerns from recent Applied Linked Data discussion
- Using Fedora to store minted objects
- Some discussion of whether it might be "cleaner" or less complex to only store finished "records" in Fedora
- Use an additional triplestore (Blazegraph, Marmotta, Fuseki, etc.) to manage URIs for minted names, subjects, and other objects
- Could potentially improve performance?
- We should keep an eye on community best practices with this.
- Using a single predicate with both strings and URIs as objects
- Example: Dublin Core Elements subject (dc:subject)
- Lack of data homogeneity could cause problems for data consumers outside one's own institution
- No one on the call doing much work with other people's data, SPARQL endpoints, etc.
- We need more information on how big of a problem this is – sharing use cases not well understood
- Eben will send out email to Code4Lib and Hydra-Tech lists asking for comments
- Using Fedora to store minted objects
- Subject Element Mappings Continued
- Columbia updated modeling for name subjects
- class cul:Agent
- foaf:name for name value; skos:exactMatch linking to existing vocabularies
- Steven will attempt to create collaboration document for subjects based on what people have put forward so far
- We will discuss this at the next meeting
- We will discuss this at the next meeting
- Next element: <mods:classification>
- Everyone should work on this for next time.
- Everyone should work on this for next time.
- Next meeting: Monday, May 16th, 9:00 AM PST (12:00 PM EST)
, multiple selections available,