MODS and RDF Call 2017-01-23

MODS and RDF Call 2017-01-23

Time: 9am PDT / Noon EDT

Call-In Info: 712-775-7035 (Access Code: 960009)

Moderator: Steven Anderson (Boston Public Library)

Primary Notetaker: Eben English (etherpad link: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/RDF-MODS-20170123)



  1. Conversion Code Update

    1. Nothing to report.

  2. Results of the Series and Collection voting.

    1. Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18JnrxIhIM5F17FWZ_i-JUckFDNHLENi0hRBMUJoNllc/edit?usp=sharing
      1. Respondents can see summary charts at: https://goo.gl/forms/Pl6a1ILMlWbMXLGV2 (doesn't show for others at the moment)
      2. No new responses.
    2. Option 2 has been declared winner! 
      1. dcterms:partOf (physical collection reference)

      2. opaque:memberOfSeries (series reference)

      3. pcdm:memberOf (digital collection)

  3. MODS Relationships Collab document version 1
    1. Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XbLk9S5Zx3ILBIT5h9hc8GMnCZeB6zSYGAyWmAJti20/edit?usp=sharing
    2. Archival series vs. commercial/publication series
      1. Need for this differentiation?
        1. No one on the call expressed a use case for differentiation
        2. Columbia was not on the call, they may have voiced this use case last time.
        3. We will continue to model this as two different series types, with different predicates
      2. Archival series
        1. predicate changed to opaque:memberOfArchivalSeries to better reflect differentiation of series type
      3. Commerical series
        1. Example added to Relationships Collab document version 1
        2. We will use bibframe:hasSeries for this
      4. Conversion script issues
        1. No easy way to tell the difference between the two series types algorithmically
        2. Institution may have to modify the script locally to deal with this.
  4. Classes for previous elements?

    1. List of elements and/or data types that can be minted, and therefore should have a Class statement:

      1. title

      2. name

      3. subject

      4. spatial location

      5. note

      6. organization/location

      7. series

      8. collection 

      9. origination event

      10. access restriction

    2. Steven will send out list in an email

    3. Homework will be to come up with classes for each of these types.

  5. Next meeting: Monday February 6th at 9:00 AM PST / Noon EST