Hydra RDF Working Group

The Hydra RDF working group achieved its primary goals. Discussion of RDF issues and Hydra have been moved to the primary Hydra Tech venues,Ā the hydra-tech list and the weekly Hydra Tech call (formerly Committers call). Ā Please feel free to propose any RDF related issues on either the list or as an agenda item for the tech calls. Ā - updated November 2014.


The Hydra RDF working group is a group of practitioners who have experience with, or interest in, the Resource Description Framework and who are working together to:

  • Recommend best practices, patterns, recipes, and adoption guidelines with regard to RDF in Hydra
  • Align RDF implementations with one another to maximize reuse and interoperability
  • Craft, refine, and update tutorials relevant to RDF usage in Hydra
  • Consult with Hydra users in order to lend their expertise with RDF modeling, migrating legacy data into RDF, and extending existing models gracefully

2014 Goals

  • Test the Tame your RDF Metadata with ActiveFedora tutorial to ensure it still works
  • Update the Tame your RDF Metadata with ActiveFedora tutorial to reflect changes soon to be flowing into ActiveFedora from the OregonDigital team
  • Modify the Dive into Hydra tutorial to make use of RDF, rather than OM, by default
  • Build one or more mapping tables that show ways to migrate XML schema-based metadata into RDF ontologies
    • Includes descriptive, rights, and administrative (preservation, provenance, technical, source) metadata
  • Flesh out the RDF consulting service and announce it to the Hydra community
  • Develop a set of best practices for RDF handling that preserves the interoperability needed to reuse components, while allowing flexibility for individual implementations to choose which standards/formats to use and how much complexity to support
  • Solicit and gather RDF-based conceptual models in use within the Hydra community
