Samvera Infrastructure Working Group Call 2020-03-20
Samvera Infrastructure Working Group Call 2020-03-20
Meeting Information
Frequency: Every other Friday (starting January, 17 2020)
Time: 2PM EST / 1 PM CST / 12 PM MST / 11AM PST
Location: Meeting URL
Meeting ID
735 006 576
Want to dial in from a phone? Dial one of the following numbers:
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Time: 2pm EST / 1pm CST / 12pm MST / 11am PST
Moderator: Aaron Collier
Notetaker: Michael B. Klein
- Aaron Collier (Stanford)
- Michael B. Klein (Northwestern)
- Brian McBride (Utah)
- phuongdh (Indiana)
- Check-In
- Status of the Charter
- Action Items
- Tweak charter intro (see notes)
- DONE Send out meeting invite to all current & prospective participants
- Update meeting invite with zoom vs. bluejeans
- Everyone please try to review charter before next meeting
- Set up next meeting
- Friday, February 28, 2020 1pm CT
Aaron: Charter looks good. Could use a narrative intro, which he will attempt to draft by the next meeting.
Easy win: Prioritize docker-compose stack for dev & test dependencies, rather than individual Dockerfiles.
MBK has devstack, a dev/test mode utility that sits on top of docker-compose.