Winter 2020 Sprint Retrospective Meeting
Winter 2020 Sprint Retrospective Meeting
Meeting Information
Time: 13:00 CST/14:00 EST
Zoom: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/7739591625
- James Griffin (Princeton University Library)
- christina chortaria (Princeton University Library)
- Thomas Scherz (U. Cincinnati)
- Final Updates
- Retrospective (https://www.retrium.com/resources/techniques/4ls)
- Liked: What did the team really enjoy about the sprint?
- Learned: What new things did the team learn during the sprint?
- Lacked: What things could the team have done better during the sprint?
- Longed For: What things did the team desire to have during the sprint that were unavailable?
- Review the GitHub Projects
- BrowseEverything
- React User Interface
- BrowseEverything
- Scheduling and Planning Future Sprints
- Spring 2020? (April or May?)
- Summer 2020?
- Questions and Concerns
Liked | Learned | Lacked | Longed For |
Future Goals
- We should be looking forward to showcasing the work
- Publishing NPM packages should be ideal
- Update for Virtual Connect is something which should be explored
Action Items
- James shall explore https://github.com/samvera-labs/starter-react-component-npm
- James will enquire regarding the Virtual Connect presentation with those planning the event
- Christina will have limited availability (will not be available 04/14-04/17)
- Maybe just schedule some time for presentation planning
- Plan a sprint following Virtual Connect
- James will draft this