Hydra T-MIG meeting agenda and notes - kickoff meeting
Hydra T-MIG meeting agenda and notes - kickoff meeting
Date and Time:
April 30th
1pm ET/ 12pm CT/ 10am PT
Call in details:
US: 1-866-398-2885
Participant code: 2819057339#
- Julie Rudder, Northwestern
- Will Cowan, Indiana
- Mark Notess, Indiana
- Hannah Frost, Stanford
- Steven Villereal, UVa
- Daniele Mericle and others, Cornell
- Stefan Elnabli, Northwestern
- Debs Cane, Northwestern
- Introductions
- Name, Institution, how are you currently using media/or planning to in Hydra
- Will, IU, head SW development in IU Libraries. We are doing most of our work in Avalon. Figuring out the ways to integrate Avalon into media content.
- Mark, IU,
- Steven, UVa, A/Vconservator, overseeing adoption of Avalon, which is in production for some collections. They are yoking it up to their main blacklight-based catalog. They aren't managing masters yet, but hope to be in Fedora 4. Metadata characterization work.
- Daniele Mericle, and others. Cornell, migrating non-media stuff to Hydra. Currently have Kaltura and eCommons. Have been hitting a lot of walls. Have a team developing use-case scenarios and looking heavily at Avalon, but haven't used Hydra. May get rid of Kaltura.
- Stefan Elnabli, Northwestern, involved in Avalon.
- Debs Cane, Nothwestern. Repository Community Manager, newly hired. Interested in how people are using Avalon.
- Hannah Frost, Stanford, manages media preservation activities; service manager for digital repo. They are big fans of Avalon but are now finally resourced to do something with it. Tommy Ingolfson, not on call, will work with it. They have aging infrastructure. Struggle with how to integrate Avalon.
- Review charter - gather feedback
- How does this group extend beyond Avalon? What would Karen Cariani say?
- IU and WGBH are in a grant together, working on things beyond Avalon.
- Cornell would also like to look more broadly as well.
- Time-based media vs. A/V...why? Include time-based computer art or games? Julie's thoughts on this? She doesn't care if we change the name. What makes the best acronym?
- How does a library define an asset management system, and what are the requirements? Curious to learn more about HydraDAM.
- Stanford has a community of practice, beyond the library, looking at video use cases. We could compare use cases across institutions. Cornell doing a census across campus. Will have recommendations by Fall for preserving assets campus-wide.
- Would be useful to publish assessments of different solutions–other institutions would be interested. Things change quickly so you need to assess every year.
- From charter, do any topics or activities feel particularly urgent? What should we do first?
- Collect together use cases and evaluations of solutions. Daniele would be willing to lead this.
- CFP for AMIA conference is coming up. Could make a call to the Hydra community for Hack Day ideas.
- Put together a calendar of conferences. Debs will do this. AV-Preserve website has a feed of conferences.
- Several of us are going to IASA in November.
- Would like to hear how IU is doing Avalon and HydraDAM and how those will work together. Will volunteers to do this.
- PCDM–have those gotten to A/V objects? Julie Hardesty has been following this work from an Avalon perspective. Some at Cornell are on the PCDM team–doesn't seem like they are dealing with A/V yet. At LDCX there was a lot of discussion. We could invite someone to join one of these calls to discuss.
- Establish time/date for monthly calls
- Group needs to be chaired for at least some amount of time. Julie will chair. Have scribe volunteer for each meeting.
- Monthly calls are reasonable. We will meet next on May 28th. Hannah will scribe. Topic: Will will talk about HydraDAM & Avalon at IU. Plan to use Adobe Connect. Will will send out info on the HydraDAM2 grant.
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