Thursday 26th February

Thursday 26th February


Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025#


  • Richard Green (University of Hull)
  • Julie Allinson  (University of York) (facilitator)
  • Richard Higgins (University of Durham)
  • Katherine Lynch (Temple University) (notetaker)
  • Rob Sanderson (Stanford University)
  • Shaun Ellis (Princeton University)
  • George Kozak (Cornell University)
  • Eben English (Boston Public Library)
  • Peter Binkley (University of Alberta Libraries)
  • Randall Floyd (Indiana University)
  • William Cowan (Indiana University)
  • Andy Smith (Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis)
  • Sean Aery (Duke University)
  • Colin Gross (University of Michigan)
  • Sue Richeson (University of Virginia)
  • Steven Ng (Temple University)


Agenda and notes

  1.  Roll call
    1. Welcome new folks - introductions
    2. Call for agenda items
  2. Discussion on requirements document:
    1. Thanks to all for filling in the requirements document.  Anyone has not filled out yet, please do so:  Page Turners - Current, Future and Requirements

    2. Plan for what to do with this information immediately:

      1. look at existing IIIF implementations and how they meet the requirements

      2. examine the JSON mapping structure for various page turner presentations and how they meet the requirements in the document

      3. Question re: mapping -- what are we mapping to?

        1. Distilling common feature requests, ie sequential pageviews, table of contents, keyword searching, and seeing how existing implementations fulfill these features

        2. Examining what the IIIF presentation API spits out in JSON to fit these requirements in the doc

      4. Once this first mapping task is complete, we should also examine internal data models that we may want to map to the IIIF presentation API, as different institutions will have different data models and requirements.

      5. This could result in a standard data model (a sort of Fedora::Works model) that could be formed by this group for institutions to map common models to and expose in a standard way, for a more pluggable page-turner solution.

      6. Julie will set up a page to start looking at feature support before next call –  The Landscape

        1. Participants happy to update the pages based on their experience so far before the next call

        2. BPL (Eben) - We will need to show some examples at each institution about how they're currently modeling a sequence of pages in Fedora 3 and bubbling that up through the Hydra stack.  This will be key in identifying common patterns for getting your data from Fedora into a IIIF manifest.  Offering some samples of code for how they're serving pages at the moment.  This is the logical next step after examining mapping in IIIF.

  3. Next call
    1. Date? Thursday 12th March 8.30am PT; 11.30am ET; 4.30pm GMT - and the following Thursday also
    2. Facilitator? Kate
    3. Note taker? Shaun
  4. AOB:
    1. Are we focusing on Fedora 3 or 4 implementations?

      1. Temple: both, 3 sooner than 4 due to project go-live deadlines

      2. Alberta: Fedora 4, implementing BookReader over the summer

    2. Which BookReader should we be using, to get us closest to using Fedora 4 with page turning?

      1. Internet Archive Bookreader allows you to use the IIIF presentation API but also supports the basic sequence of canvases, and does not really give you any of the other options of the IIIF page turner API without some internal rewiring.

    3. Alternatives to Internet Archive Bookreader we should also be considering?
      1. Mirador 2 https://github.com/IIIF/m2
      2. Wellcome Player https://github.com/wellcomelibrary/player
      3. or build something directly on OpenSeaDragon
    4. Is web accessibility a concern for participating institutions?

      1. Temple, Michigan, and Princeton have major needs, but it is important for all really.

      2. Mobile support another concern for many institutions, and many existing solutions are primarily if not exclusively designed for the desktop.

    5. Consider posting questions to the IIIF Google group, and/or participate in some of their scheduled calls.

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