2023-07-26 Meeting notes

Ā Date

Jul 26, 2023

Join Zoom Meeting:
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting (new link)

Ā Participants

  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Brendan Quinn - facilitator

  • @Rob Kaufman

  • Ā 

Ā Discussion topics





AWS Reference Architecture Diagram

Brendan created an issue on his team's private work repo to track this and hold him accountable for next time!

Cloud deployment community Survey


Feedback positive, plan is for Brendan to send out the survey to the relevant channels. Two weeks for responses (with the possibility to add a third with an additional reminder)

ā€œHigh-level elementsā€ document

Robā€™s got a draft going, needs to set aside the time to get working on it in earnest (targeting the end of next week)

Other items


Ā Action items

  • See notes above for action items

Ā Decisions