2023-03-29 Meeting notes

2023-03-29 Meeting notes


Mar 29, 2023

Join Zoom Meeting:
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting


  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Brendan Quinn

  • @Chris Colvard

  • @Tao Zhao

  • @Michael B. Klein

  • @Alexandra Dunn

 Discussion topics





AWS Architecture overview and Q&A with Greg Ritter

Recorded: Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing
Passcode: XbnR*L?3

Shared by Greg: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/deploying-and-scaling-apache-solr-on-kubernetes/


Group discussion, defining next steps

Agreement that reference architecture in AWS would be useful for the community, for those who would use AWS services. What would be the best software to target for this? Instead of targeting a whole architecture, would we target a smaller piece? Potentially deployment configurations for using Elastic Search, making it compatible with Blacklight. That could be a win for everyone, to be able to use one or the other, different persistence adapters for different search backends.

Work of this group to figure out if we can shape the implementation to be one that is more portable to different cloud environments. NU has had better success and efficiency and functionality by committing to the AWS services vs strict containerization, so it may depend on the approach selected by a given institution.

Want to gather use cases to see what approaches are taken in the community. This can be a goal for the group. Next meeting we could decide how we want to gather this information.

Will discuss the Nurax terraform next meeting as well.

Time and frequency for regular meetings

Monthly meetings. Will poll in the Slack channel for a regular Wednesday and time.

 Action items


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